Chapter 2126 Let\'s Fall In Love (4)

Martin looked gloomy and said, "I invested in a few projects of her family, and I will withdrew all the funds. I can't have anything to do with her family in the future."

Marquis said, "Ha-ha, you finally won Giada's heart, right?"

Martin's eyes softened. Every time he thought about Giada or heard her name, his expression would turn gentle uncontrollably, because he really loved her. "You know that she is the only star in my bleak life." When he was aboard, she was the reason why he could persist in his dream.

"Ha-ha..." Marquis couldn't help laughing. After that, he said to Martin sincerely, "Martin, congratulations. You finally got your real love."

"You can think in this way."

Marquis teased him for a while and got down to business, "Martin, although you've won Giada's heart, you will suffer a great loss if you withdraw the money. If you want to make money in a good project, we must get a nice script."