Chapter 2127 Let\'s Fall In Love (5)

The building was twenty-four stories high, and Martin lived on the 20th floor. They got out of the elevator, and the door was not closed.

"Gia, come in."

Giada asked, "Where are my slippers?"

Only then did Martin remember that he had just come back, and he didn't have time to prepare slippers for her. He did not expect that she would come here.

He took out a new pair of slippers.

"Gia, wear mine first. I'll go to the supermarket and buy you new slippers tomorrow."

"Ha-ha..." Giada looked at him and smiled, "Okay, I'll come to you occasionally. Now you can't go to my house to play with me. If I take you back, my father will definitely investigate your family thoroughly. My father doesn't mean anything else. He's afraid that I will be cheated."

"My dad said that I was too naive. He refuses to let me live outside alone."

Martin's slippers were a little big for Giada, but she could walk steadily.