Chapter 2144 Pay The Price (5)

He had no idea what she had been through, so he couldn't persuade her.

If someone had never experienced his pain and suggested that he should do something, he would only suffer more.

At nine o'clock at night, Martin sent his mother home. Downstairs, he did not get out of the car, but looked at his mother who was sitting on the passenger seat.

"Mom, I hope you can live a happier life than me in the future. Only when you are happy can I live a good life." He said sincerely.

Triston only sent him a message to tell him that he had solved this matter.

He did not ask Triston about the details.

Since it was so easy to solve the problem, his guess should be right.

Anabel smiled, "It seems that your father has called you."

Martin shook his head slightly, "In fact, my father is quite silly."

Anabel nodded with a smile and agreed with him.