Chapter 2145 The Car Accident

When Giada saw Victor, she stood up and threw herself into his arms, "Dad, why do you come here so late? I'm so scared. Martin has been in the operating room for a long time, and he hasn't come out yet. Woo-woo... He pushed me away, but he was hit by the car. Dad, they wanted to kill me..."

Seeing Victor, Giada felt like she had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Victor's eyes were full of anger. He patted her back gently and comforted her softly, "Baby, it's okay. Martin will be fine. Your Uncle Clement is investigating this matter. I will not let go of those who want to hurt you."

Someone actually wanted to kill Giada. He'd like to see who made Giada so scared and sad.

"Dad, what about Martin? If anything bad happens to him, I will die. Woo-woo..."

Victor turned to look at her all of a sudden and said sharply, "Fool, what are you talking about? How can you be so silly? Let me tell you. If you dare to have such an idea, I'll break your legs."