Chapter 2163 Give You One Year (4)

"Gia, I've been living a life worse than death in the past six months. You have to treat me a good meal later. It must be a big meal." Boris was really about to cry. If Martin didn't come back, he would go abroad to avoid Victor.

Giada listened to him nagging and could only bear it. She knew Boris's character the best. He would not stop if she didn't allow him to finish his words.

Ten minutes later, Martin couldn't stand it anymore.

With a gloomy face, he stepped forward and pulled them away from each other.

He looked at Boris and saw some surprise in his eyes.

He said in a calm and grateful tone, "Boris, thanks for your hard work these days. It's my treat tonight."

With the help of Boris and Victor, his company developed much better than before.

He knew that Boris had invested lots of money in his company, and Victor helped him with his contacts. He was very grateful to them.