Chapter 2164 Her Heart Ached For Him

Giada made two cups of coffee. Martin came over with the coffee and they sat on the sofa, chatting.

After drinking a cup of coffee, Martin went to deal with the official business.

Giada sat on the sofa and read a book. The two of them sat quietly and did their own things. The atmosphere was surprisingly warm and peaceful.

Giada liked reading, and this book was written by one of her favorite authors.

This book was about the life experiences of the author, and the stories were real.

When the heroine was in junior high school, her dream was to be a piano player, because she liked piano.

She was very talented. She was good at playing the piano, and she looked beautiful, so she soon won the favor of many art schools.

Her parents were deep in love, and they went to pick her up every day.

However, the fates conspired against her. They had a car accident on the way back from the piano practice, and both of her parents died. Moreover, her hands broke in the car accident.