Chapter 2226 To The Amusement Park

"Mom, I won't. I can only sleep after eating something." Marlon continued to eat.

Alice knew her son's character, so she could only give him the potato chips.

She also liked eating potato chips, and her son liked them even more than she did. Since she knew that they were coming, she bought big bags of potato chips.

When she handed the potato chips to her son, she told him, "You can only eat a few. Go to sleep after eating. Don't be greedy."

"Hehe..." Marlon grinned. His teeth were white and his smile was adorable.

Alice couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, Mom. I won't be greedy." However, he must eat them all before he went to sleep/;


Because they were too delicious!

They were fragrant and crisp!

Alice gave him the plain potato chips, which were better than the spicy ones.