Chapter 2227 A Little Boy Who Looks Like Henrick

"Mom, can we go into the water to play today?" Adriel asked.

Eden looked back at her son and said, "Yes, but there are so many people today, so you must stay within my sight."

"I got it. Mom, we will be obedient. You just need to accompany Dad." In their minds, as long as their father was happy, he would promise them anything.

The problem was that their mother had to be by his side. Otherwise, their father would maintain the cold expression on his face, and it would be very boring.

"Okay!" Eden smiled and glanced at her husband. His expression was still sour.

Every time he went out to have fun during the holidays, he would be in a bad mood. But the children liked to join in the fun, so they had to go at this time.

Moreover, they often took time to accompany the children, mainly because her parents were old, and she also needed to accompany them often.

Victor felt his wife's gaze and his expression softened a lot.