Chapter 2335 You Will Never Escape Me

After dealing with everything, Kenneth looked at Raelynn. The girl was sitting quietly, and her gaze was often fixated on him. He could feel it.

Just as he was about to speak, the phone on his desk rang.

He looked at Raelynn and said, "I'm sorry."

He went to the window not far away to answer the phone.

Raelynn's gaze trailed after him. The man was about 1.8 meters tall, but his aura was about 2 meters tall. He exuded a wild and unrestrained aura, which made her want to fall in love.

Even if she had just broken up.

No, it was not a break up.

The marriage between her and that man had been solely caused by the parents of the two families being satisfied with each other's backgrounds.

However, this marriage had now been taken over by Rory.

She had seen tall people, but not many of them had a good temperament. Many of them had hunched backs, and they were either too thin or fat. People wouldn't feel good from looking at them.