Chapter 2336 Meeting her Real Mother

"Thump thump..."

The coffee-colored door handle was rusty. When it was turned gently, the Raelynn was very nervous.

The door was pulled open, and a middle-aged woman in a purple sportswear appeared before her.

She was very thin and her complexion was not very good, but she looked good. Although she was in her forties, it could be seen that she had been very beautiful when she was young.

The moment that Raelynn saw her, a sense of intimacy hit her heart. Her nose twitched, and she couldn't help but call out, "Mom, I'm back."

She had gotten this address from Rory. It had been half a year since Rory returned to the Edwards Family, and she had definitely gotten much fuller.

Most importantly, her words were dripped in venom.

The funny thing was, the names that the two families had given their children were almost the name.