Chapter 2410 Can I Try

Kenneth comforted her with a smile. "Aunt Margery, don't be angry. It's not good for your health. I'll take care of it."

Margery looked at him and questioned, "Will you be able to solve this in an hour?" For so many years, she had been very happy to work with Eden. Now that there was a new worker who was always slowing down her work progress, she was very annoyed. She had to balance her work and personal life, as she had two children to take care of.

Kenneth smiled and replied, "I promise to solve this!"

"Well, I'm relieved to hear you say that. I'll head down first. When it's ready, ask someone to send it to me."

"Okay, Aunt Margery, why don't you go get some rest now. Don't be so angry. If you fall ill, the company will be in a mess."

"If you don't want everything to become a mess, then find someone who is more talented. You have to learn from your father. Don't employ someone whom you can't trust, and fully trust your employees."