Chapter 2411 Margery was very Satisfied

Kenneth still had something very important to deal with. After leaving the design department, he quickly returned to his office and started working again, just so he could get off work on time.

Faith looked at her large office in silence.

How could Raelynn possibly know how to do this?

Raelynn's design had already surpassed hers once, and now it was this dress. If Raelynn succeeded, Kenneth would be more interested in her, and her position in the Alwynn Group would also be in danger.

"Ah..." Faith growled in a low voice.


Why couldn't things just go her way for once?

Why did she have to enter the Alwynn Group with ulterior motives, and not just be here with pure intentions? She would be able to do things honestly then, but now? She didn't even have the courage to defend herself.


After Raelynn returned to her office, she told Clara to put down her work and the two of them began to get busy.