Chapter 6 Pampered Like A Princess

Before Caroline could respond, Eddison had already removed his lips from hers.

He held his thumb to his lips, looking satisfied. "Good girl, I was merely exercising my right as a husband in advance."

Caroline's flushed face turned pale instantly.

Eddison patted her head lightly and said in a soft voice, "Don't think too much about it. Rest well."

Caroline was rendered speechless.

They barely even knew each other, yet he was already doing such intimate things to her. Moreover, he had the nerve to ask her not to overthink things!

Fortunately, Eddison didn't stay long and left after she finished eating the food he had bought.

As for Caroline, she continued to stay in the hospital for three days as the baby was still unstable.

During those three days, the Zellweger family's servant, Beryl Allen, was in charge of taking care of Caroline.

Meanwhile, Tyler had only called her once to ask when she would be discharged. He had already gotten all the documents ready and was just waiting for her to go to the City Hall to get divorced.

Neither Loraine nor Tyler's parents had shown up at the hospital at all.

After three days of rest, the doctor finally informed Caroline that she was ready to be discharged. He also advised her to be extra careful in the first trimester and to control her emotions.

Thus, after an afternoon nap, she started packing her belongings and got ready to leave the hospital.

Beryl was helping her pack. When they were almost done, Beryl suddenly said, "Miss Simons, Mr. Zellweger said that he'll be here to pick you up."

Caroline couldn't believe that Eddison was coming to pick her up.

She did not intend to go anywhere with him!

At least, for the time being, she preferred not to be together with him.

However, nobody could stop Eddison. When Caroline and Beryl were walking out of the hospital, they saw Eddison's car already waiting at the entrance.

Caroline did not make a fuss and got into the car. She knew that her refusal would not make any difference.

"Since today is a working day, I'd appreciate it if you could drop me off at the office," she said.

"I refuse."

"Why?" Caroline asked.

"It's troublesome."

Caroline held back her anger and said, "Well, where are you planning to bring me then, Mr. Zellweger?"

As soon as she spoke, her mobile phone rang and the display showed Tyler's name. She pursed her lips and answered the call.

"Caroline, you've already been discharged, right? Come straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau now, so that we can file our divorce. Everything's ready, I'm only waiting for you!"

Tyler's voice was full of urgency.

Caroline's lips curved into a smile. She glanced at Eddison, who was in the driver's seat, and said, "You mean now? It's true that I've been discharged, but I'm with Mr. Zellweger now. I'll need to get his permission first. Why don't you give him a call and ask for his opinion?"  

Even though she had already decided to get a divorce with Tyler, it would not be that day, and most definitely not now.

She had her own plans.

"Caroline, the divorce is just between the two of us. What does it have to do with Mr. Zellweger? I'm warning you, you'd better get here now. I'm only giving you half an hour..."

Before Tyler could finish speaking, Caroline hung up the phone.

At the same time, Eddison started to drive away from the hospital.

Once again, Caroline's mobile phone rang again. Seeing that it was Tyler calling again, she blocked his number straight away.

A flash of sardonic smile crossed her face. She was certain that Tyler would not have the courage to make a call to Eddison.

As expected, throughout the whole journey, Eddison did not receive any calls from Tyler.

When Caroline noticed that he was heading toward Blue Mountain Villa, she asked, "Mr. Zellweger, are you going to bring me back to your house and pamper me like a princess?"

Her words were dripping with sarcasm.

However, Eddison seemed unaffected. "Is there anything wrong with pampering my fiancée and the mother of my child?"

The corners of Caroline's mouth twitched slightly. He seemed to always be able to get back at her without any effort.

She replied, "Of course there's nothing wrong with that! In fact, you're helping me solve a big problem by bringing me home since I have no idea where to stay tonight!"  

Upon hearing this, Eddison took a glance at her in the rearview mirror. He did not expect that her spirit had recovered so quickly from everything that had happened. Obviously, he had underestimated her by thinking that she would be down in the dumps for a long time.

Tyler's family also resided in Blue Mountain Villa. However, they stayed in Villa No. 6, while Eddison stayed in Villa No. 16, which was the best in the area.

Needless to say, the price and prestige of Tyler's villa were incomparable to Eddison's.  

Tyler and his family seemed to have been constantly on the lookout for Caroline and Eddison. The moment Eddison's car turned into the villa area, Caroline noticed the Longs and Loraine peeking out at them.

It seemed that she had no choice but to face Tyler head on!