Chapter 7 Stay in My Arms

Once the car entered the villa area, it slowed down.

The Long family thought that Eddison would stop outside their house. After all, they had to talk the divorce over with Caroline.

Much to their surprise, Eddison drove the car past them without stopping!

They did not even look back!

Caroline realized that Eddison did not take the Long family seriously at all despite the fact that they used to have a good relationship with the Zellweger family.

The car didn't stop until it reached the gate of Villa No. 16.

Caroline opened the door and prepared to get out of the car.

Eddison said in a low voice, "Don't move!"

Being startled, Caroline sat still and did not move an inch.

After that, Eddison got out of the driver seat, walked over to the back seat and opened the door. He then reached out and carried her out in his arms.

Caroline was stunned speechless!

What... What was he trying to do? she wondered.

"If you don't want to be pushed around, just stay in my arms," Eddison whispered in her ears.

Although Caroline had no idea what he was planning, for some reason, she believed that he wouldn't hurt her. Hence, she stayed in his arms and stopped struggling.

At the same time, Tyler and his family had arrived at Eddison's villa. When they caught sight of Eddison carrying Caroline out of the car, they widened their eyes in shock.

They couldn't believe their eyes!

Were they seeing things?

Even after rubbing their eyes, the scene in front of them did not fade away.

At this moment, the Zellweger family's butler, Frank Adams, walked over and glanced at Eddison. He then walked toward Patrick and asked, "Mr. Long, is there anything that I can help you with?"

It was only then that they came back to their senses, looking disgruntled.

Anne was the first to speak, "Mr. Zellweger, Caroline is still a part of our family now. She has to go home with us."

Raising his eyebrows, Eddison's gaze fell on Caroline's face. He asked her, "Are you willing to go with them?"

Without shifting her gaze to them, Carolin looked at Eddison and replied firmly, "No."

Eddison's eyes swept over Tyler and the rest, wearing a helpless expression on his face as if there was nothing he could do. They could tell that Eddison was doting on Caroline!

"Caroline, we've already agreed that we'd file our divorce after you're discharged!  Even if you want to be together with Mr. Zellweger, you couldn't do so while still being my wife, could you?" Tyler said.

Judging from how Eddison was doting on Caroline, Tyler thought that by getting divorced as soon as possible, he could prove to Eddison his sincerity of gifting her to him.

Seeing that Caroline remained silent, Tyler thought that she was hurt and reluctant to get divorced. Hence, he waited patiently.

What happened next caught him completely off guard. Caroline suddenly raised her head and looked toward them, her hand resting on her belly.

She curled her lips and said calmly, "Since I'm already pregnant with Mr. Zellweger's child, why can't I stay together with him? Don't you agree, Mr. Zellweger?"

There was no way they could force her to get a divorce.

She wouldn't make it easy for them!

Tyler hadn't hesitated to use her as a gambling chip. Even if they were to get divorced eventually, she wouldn't let him get away with it so easily!

Color drained from Tyler's face. He couldn't help thinking of the possibility that Caroline and Eddison had already gotten together behind his back, and he had inadvertently given them his blessing with his calculative tricks.

"Caroline, how could you cling on to Mr. Zellweger when you're still married to Tyler? Are you that shameless and not care of what people think of you?" Anne roared. Watching Eddison carrying Caroline in his arms, she felt disgusted with the scene.

Anne pointed at Caroline angrily and continued, "Get down right away! And get a divorce with Tyler right now! We won't be giving you a single cent!"

"Really?" Caroline glanced at them nonchalantly. She then fixed her eyes on Tyler and said, "It's fine if you want me to get divorced, but definitely not without what I deserve."

Caroline continued, "Of course, I'm not going to ask for much. All I want are two properties located in the city center and three million dollars. I'll give you guys some time to think it over. If you have no objection, I'm ready to get divorced any time."