Chapter 8 Take You Home


Did she just ask for two properties in the city center and three million dollars?

Everyone's jaw dropped!

Was Caroline out of her mind?

Anne retorted, "Caroline, you shameless b*tch! You were the one cheating on my son in the first place! What you've done is considered adultery! If we were to bring this to court, we'd be the ones in the right! You wouldn't even get a single cent from us!"  

Loraine spoke in a soft voice, "Caroline, it's a fact that you cheated on Tyler. How could you possibly make such an unreasonable request? What is everybody going to think of you?"

"Don't go too far, Caroline! We're not pushovers! In fact, whatever you've just requested is nothing to our family! But a woman like you deserves nothing!" Patrick was burning with anger.

Anne added, "Exactly! We're already kind enough to not expose your unscrupulous behavior! And now you're trying to get something out of this? Dream on!"

Watching them scold her one after another, Caroline couldn't help feeling everything was ironic.

In the past, because of Tyler, she had been enduring her shrew-like mother-in-law, Anne, and also her clueless father-in-law, Patrick, who never seemed to be able to grasp the situation. She had even made a great effort to treat them like her own parents, just so that Tyler wouldn't be put in a difficult position. 

However, she told herself that she wouldn't do that anymore from now onward.

It suddenly dawned on her that being able to escape from the Long family was like her being reborn. Otherwise, she would have to succumb and give in to them for the rest of her life.

During the past few days at the hospital, she had also given the situation a lot of thought. Before this, she had been fantasizing about how wonderful love and marriage were, which had led to her downfall now. And now, she was determined to seek revenge on Tyler, even if it meant divorcing him! 

Caroline sneered and interrupted their self-righteous babbling in a cold voice, "I'm sure Tyler knows whether or not to give me what I asked for. Am I right, Mr. Long?"

Tyler's heart skipped a beat. Unlike him, his parents were not aware of the truth behind what had happened between Caroline and Eddison.

However, Tyler was confident that even if his parents knew, they would still be on his side. They had never liked Caroline right from the start. Hence, they would definitely agree to give her up for his future! Also, his ultimate purpose was to butter Eddison up.

Keeping this in mind, he said with bravado, "Caroline, you're asking for too much! You are my wife, but you're pregnant with Mr. Zellweger's child. Now that we're getting a divorce, you have the audacity to ask for so much money! You've crossed the line!"

His words immediately made him seem like the victim, at the same time, painting Caroline as the evil villain!

Caroline remained composed and said in a mocking way, "Is it really too much, though? Or are you saying that as the general manager of Rephancy Entertainment, you can't even afford such a small amount of money? Don't worry, I'll give you time to gather the money. Once you're ready, we'll get this divorce over and done with, or... I'm sure you know what the consequences are, Mr. Long."

She figured that Tyler must be thinking that she wouldn't be able to stay by Eddison's side if she were to stay married to him.

What Tyler feared the most was that she wouldn't be able to please Eddison. Therefore, he would definitely do everything he could to fulfill her request.

The Longs' expressions were livid. Anne's chest was heaving, readying herself to cause a scene. On the other hand, Patrick's eyes were glaring, as if he were about to pass out the next second.

Caroline then lifted her gaze and said to Eddison, "Mr. Zellweger, I'm tired."

"Alright, I'll take you home. Don't tire yourself."

After that, he turned around and walked inside without looking back.

As much as the Long family wanted to continue causing a scene, they were caught off guard by Patrick's sudden collapse, scrambling to help him.