Chapter 12 No More Love

Tyler then followed Frank to the entrance. When Frank took out a pair of slippers, he accepted willingly and changed into them. However, when he saw Frank hand over a set of clothes for him, his face fell.

"Frank, I'm not a stranger. I've been here before. Mr. Zellweger is considered my family. Is this necessary?" Tyler said with a smile.

From where Tyler was standing, he could see the living room. After he finished speaking, he looked up and spotted Caroline standing in the living room, glancing at him coldly.

Fury surged through him. When he was going to dash into the house, Frank stopped him and said, "Mr. Long, it's Mr. Eddison's request that you put on extra clothes before entering to prevent the house from getting dirty."

Upon hearing that, Tyler's face turned pale. There was no way for him to refuse putting on the clothes or to lose his temper and leave the scene! Having no choice, he sucked it up and put them on quickly.

His resentment toward Caroline grew as he was convinced it was she who persuaded Eddison to treat him like this!

Tyler strode in while all the servants left the scene. Only Eddison, Caroline, and Tyler were left in the living room.

Tyler said, "Caroline, I agree to your divorce requirements. I'll give you two properties in the city center and three million dollars! So, let's go and file our divorce now!"

After barking at Caroline, he turned to face Eddison and immediately broke into a grin, saying, "Mr. Zellweger, I will get the divorce procedures done with her as soon as possible. Don't worry about it!"

Eddison raised his eyebrows and sat lazily on the sofa without saying a word.

Meanwhile, standing next to Eddison, Caroline looked at Tyler as if he was a joke.

"Have you made a mistake, Mr. Long? It's true that I asked for two houses and three million dollars yesterday, but today is a brand new day! My request is no longer the same as yesterday," Caroline said with a faint smile.

Tyler could feel his breath quickening, and he was about to fly into a rage.

At this moment, however, Eddison threw him a cold gaze, imposing immense pressure on him. With that, Tyler held back his angry outburst. 

He took a deep breath and said, "Caroline, that's what you asked for yesterday. My father even fainted because of you. What else do you want? You'd better not push your luck! Just get a divorce and stay with Mr. Zellweger. What's wrong with that?"

"Did your father faint because of me, or was it because of you? You know the answer very well!" Caroline retorted. "My requests now are two houses in the city center and eight million dollars. I'll leave it to you to decide. However, if you're only giving your answer tomorrow, I can tell you now that tomorrow's requirement will definitely not be the same as today's."

Tyler looked at Caroline, and then at Eddison. He was almost choking on his rage. However, he could only say through gritted teeth, "Fine, I promise you!"

Still, he did not forget to express his loyalty to Eddison. He told Caroline, "As long as you serve Mr. Zellweger well, I'll do whatever you ask me to! But Caroline, don't go back on your words again!"

Caroline fixed her eyes on the man in front of her. This was the man whom she had once thought would spend the rest of her life with. She had always felt he was better than anyone else and was a man she could rely on.

Now, the same man was behaving just like a clown. He could lash out at her, and at the same time, trying to ingratiate himself with Eddison just for his own benefit. She couldn't help feeling amazed by the pathetic look on his face.

"Tsk... tsk... A man like him is indeed rare in the world," Caroline thought to herself.

She could not believe that she had met one and even used to fall in love with him!

At this very moment, Caroline was absolutely sure that her love for him was all in the past. Now, she had no feelings for him anymore.

She was surprised to learn that it did not require too much effort to get over someone!

She let out a chuckle and said, "Sure. Go and draft a new divorce agreement then, and we'll get a divorce immediately!"