Chapter 97 I Know What You Like Best

Eddison did not look pleased.

Realizing this, Tyler's hand trembled as he held his glass. He could not work out why Eddison looked the way he did at the moment.

Eddison narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him with a fierce gaze as he bellowed, "My wife is pregnant, so she's not supposed to be drinking any alcohol. Naturally, as her husband, I should also adhere to the same rules as well, shouldn't I?"

By referring to Caroline as his wife with such emphasis, he had successfully staked his claim over her in front of everyone. 

Tyler's face paled and he subconsciously took a quick glance at Caroline who remained seated in her chair. She looked calm and unperturbed.

This woman had been his wife not so long ago, Tyler thought. He was sincere when he courted her. However, he was too much of a player and thought that his heart was big enough to love more than one woman at a time.

"Mr. Long, what are you looking at?" Eddison spoke again, his voice dropping dangerously low.