Chapter 98 Would You Like To Feel Them?

Seeing how Eddison looked unfazed, Caroline added, "The girl I'm going out with has a net worth higher than me, you know? She's a recognized celebrity in her social circle, yet she doesn't even have bodyguards following her around when she's out. Why do I need someone tailing me all day long if someone of her status doesn't?"

Eddison remained silent, only looking at her with a wry smile on his lips. 

Caroline reached out and grabbed his sleeve as she pleaded, "Eddison, people need freedom, you know?"

"Well, it's fortunate that I haven't been keeping anyone prisoner now, isn't it?"

"You know very well that you've been treating me like one this whole time!"

A smile spread across Eddison's lips as he replied, "Well, you have a point. I'm just worried about your safety, you know? I don't like the idea of you going out alone anywhere..."

"What's there to worry about? In the twenty-five years before I met you, I've been out alone countless times, and I've been doing just fine."