Chapter 241 He Looks Like... The President of Zellweger Group!

"D*mn it! I'm offering you a job here so you should be accepting it. How dare you reject me!" Hoffman yelled as he walked over to them.

He was holding a bottle of beer in his hand, which could be used as a weapon.

A memory flashed in Caroline's mind. She recalled that Eddison had a car accident because Jack had provoked someone in a pub. In the end, they got into a fight.

With that, Eddison was forced to have a car race with them which resulted in a horrific crash. When he was found on the scene, the chances of his survival were relatively slim and he was then hospitalized for a long time. 

Yet, she was the one who got them in trouble this time, and Eddison was shouldering this for her.

It was not time for her to feel guilty. She should come up with a plan instead!

Hoffman was right in front of them. "Tell me, who do you think you are?"