Chapter 242 Will Not Forgive

As the police chief walked in, he approached Eddison and asked, "Mr. Zellweger, are you alright?"

Mr... Mr. Zellweger?

Squatting on the ground, Hoffman's jaw dropped. Was he really the president of Zellweger Group?

"We're fine. You guys came in time. Thank you," Eddison replied.

"It's an honor to work for you, Mr. Zellweger." The chief nodded and then walked away from Eddison. He ordered his subordinates to take the others away.

"Officer, what did we do wrong? Why are you taking us away?" Hoffman huffed.

They were about to give Eddison a good beating, but it ended up being a failed attempt. Shouldn't they be reprimanded instead? Why were they being taken away?

"What did you do wrong?" The chief chuckled. "Are you just pretending that you don't know?"