Chapter 330 Loved

Caroline waited for around ten minutes at the restaurant until Culver finally arrived. Upon entering the restaurant, he was panting heavily. She immediately asked the waiter to serve the dishes, so that he wouldn't be starving.

This was how she cared for her friend.

To her surprise, Culver was looking her up and down with great concern. It was as if Caroline just returned from a refugee area.

With that, she was puzzled by his actions.

After adjusting her mood, she said, "Culver, take your seat and drink some water. I ordered food for us. You should get a proper meal before telling me what happened to you."

He sat opposite her. He picked up the glass and gulped half of the water in an instant.

She was getting nervous to see how frantic he was. What happened to him?

On the contrary, the first thing he said was, "Caroline, I'm glad to see that you're okay. I was so worried about you."

"Me? Didn't you ask me out because something happened to you?"