
Walking into the hospital ward, Alex's attorney positioned himself in front of Lilian and took a seat after pulling out a chair. Opening his portfolio, he extracted the divorce documents.

"Miss Lilian, kindly affix your signature to this document and terminate your marriage with my client," the lawyer instructed.

Uncertain whether to smile or weep, Lilian found herself in a dilemma. Alex's actions were truly abhorrent; he hadn't even allowed her to leave the hospital before presenting her with the papers.

"What if I choose not to sign?" Lilian inquired, contemplating the consequences if she were to refuse to sign the divorce papers. She recognized that her decision to withhold her signature would preserve her marriage, preventing Alex from being with Isabel. Moreover, he couldn't possibly compel her to comply, considering he was the one who had drugged her.

"Then you will leave my client with no choice but to take drastic measures and make your adulterous lifestyle public," responded the lawyer with a repulsive tone. "Remember, you are an illegitimate daughter, and your mother's past will be unearthed."

Lilian's heart skipped a beat as she contemplated the situation. Throughout her life, she had strived to lead a life that was the opposite of her mother's. Her mother was rumored to have given birth to her out of wedlock.

Tragically, when her parents finally decided to marry, her mother's life was cut short by a careless driver, leaving Lilian to bear the label of an illegitimate daughter. She was merely three years old when her father wed Camille, and a year later, they welcomed Isabel into the family. Lilian had grown up under the guidance of her stepmother.

While her father was still alive, Camille tolerated her presence. She neither displayed animosity towards her nor showed any concern for her well-being. They coexisted peacefully without any issues all those years, until her father's passing. However, when her father's will was read and it revealed that he had divided his wealth equally between his two daughters, Camille's anger erupted.

How could Bernardino have possibly granted Lilian an equal share of his assets alongside Isabel? After all, she was considered an illegitimate daughter, and Camille had been gracious enough to accommodate her in their home and even allowed her to bear the Simmons surname. But granting her daughter equal rights was an extreme measure that Camille could never accept. She was determined to exact her revenge on Lilian until she felt satisfied.

"Miss Lilian, please sign the papers," urged the lawyer, seemingly impatient and unaware of the turmoil running through Lilian's mind.

Carefully adjusting herself to sit without disturbing the IV line attached to her hand, Lilian took the black pen offered by the lawyer. As she read the contents of the document, it became clear that she was never to set foot in her marital home again, and she would no longer hold any shares in her father's company. Her assets were being used as compensation to Alex for the perceived betrayal. Trembling hands held the divorce papers as Lilian absorbed the harsh conditions attached to them.

She let out a soft sigh, attempting to calm her racing breath, and proceeded to sign the papers. With each stroke of the pen, she sealed the fate of her wealth and properties, unknowingly signing herself into a life of poverty.

Observing her signature, the lawyer retrieved the papers and returned them to his portfolio. Lifting his head, he offered a smile, the first display of warmth since his arrival in Lilian's presence.

"I wish you well, Miss Lilian, and uh... have a good day," the lawyer uttered, rising from his seat and making his way out of the hospital ward.

Lilian watched his departure, tears streaming down her cheeks. She had been utterly devastated. Her life had transformed into a desolate void. She was left with nothing—no parents, no husband. The sister she had believed in turned out to be deceitful, hiding her true nature beneath a facade. Where was her home? Who could she turn to for solace and support?

Lilian wept until she could no longer summon the strength to shed tears. There was nothing left for her except the dress she wore, lying beside her on the bed, a poignant reminder of her emptied existence.

After changing out of her hospital attire, she realized that the only possession she had was the dress she currently wore. It was a stark reminder of her newfound destitution.

Exiting the hospital, the lawyer climbed into a tinted car where Alex and Isabel were already seated. "She signed the papers when I threatened to expose her mother's past," the lawyer boasted, his voice tinged with self-importance.

Knowing the lawyer's capabilities, Alex responded gleefully, "I knew you could make that woman submit. I'll increase your fees by 20%."

Finally free from the chains of their marriage, he held nothing but disdain for Lilian. Pretending for the past four months had been a burden he no longer had to bear.

"Darling, you're incredible," Isabel chimed in, leaning her head on Alex's shoulder and intertwining her hand with his arm. They exchanged a passionate kiss, reveling in a sense of gratification as the chauffeur started the car's engine, sealing their departure.

Over the next two days, Lilian remained in the hospital without anyone checking on her. She resorted to ordering takeout and eating her meals alone. Fortunately, her phone had been left by her bedside, providing a small semblance of comfort in her isolated state.

Aware of the potential lengths Alex would go to, Lilian had proactively transferred the remaining funds in her account to a secret account that only she had access to. This precautionary measure allowed her to cover her expenses and eventually be discharged from the hospital. Since she couldn't return to her former home, she had no choice but to seek refuge at her stepmother's place.

Her father also owned the house, so at least she had a place to stay for a while and figure out how to spend her time and improve her life.

She hailed a taxi and provided the driver with the address to take her to. She could vouch for her stepmother, as she wouldn't support her daughter's actions.

Perhaps her stepmother didn't truly love her, but she was the one who had forcefully arranged her marriage to Alex. She was to blame for pressuring her into a relationship with that fool.

If Camille found out that her daughter Isabel played a role in causing the divorce that she had initiated, she would be furious with her.

When the taxi driver arrived at the address Lilian had given him, he expected her to exit the car. However, he was surprised when she remained inside without any intention of getting out.

Glancing at her through the rearview mirror, the taxi driver noticed the teary eyes and distant expression on her face. She appeared to be lost in her thoughts while shedding tears.

Shaking his head, the taxi driver acknowledged that everyone had their battles to fight. He couldn't fathom what was troubling such a beautiful woman, but he could tell she was troubled and adrift.

Aware that he too had his struggles, and realizing that she knew nothing about him just as he couldn't guess her troubles, he let out a soft sigh before informing her, "Ma'am, we have arrived."

However, Lilian was oblivious to his attempts to communicate with her. He repeated himself once more and honked the car horn. Startled, Lilian snapped out of her reverie and felt embarrassed.

How long had this man been trying to talk to her without her even hearing him? He had even resorted to honking the horn.

Wiping away her tears, she hurriedly exited the car and paid the fare. But before the taxi driver could take the money, he said, "Ma'am, I may not know what you're going through right now, but I want you to stay strong and never lose hope."

"Things will get better, just give it time," he accepted the payment, and Lilian insisted he keep the change. With a smile, she expressed her gratitude to him before hastening her steps toward the house.

However, as she reached the doorstep, she suddenly froze upon hearing the voices emanating from inside the house.