
Lilian was taken aback and momentarily disoriented. She couldn't believe that her stepmother was involved in the scheme.

"I've recovered everything. That girl should never have been allowed in this house in the first place. And now, she's taking away what was meant to be Isabel's alone," Camille exclaimed with excitement, surrounded by a group of people. Lilian never imagined she would be entangled in such a dubious situation.

"Aunt, I told you to leave everything to me. I was going to strip her of everything she had. Not only did I accomplish that, but I also made her lose her virginity to a degenerate," Alex boasted.

"Mom, I told you to trust Alex completely. He has proven himself capable of being my husband," Isabel said timidly.

"Absolutely, Isabel. Congratulations once again," Camille responded, and Lilian could hear the sound of glasses clinking.

They were raising their glasses in a toast to her downfall? Lilian gripped the doorknob tightly and stepped inside. The guests were taken aback when they saw her, and an eerie silence hung in the air for a few moments.

Lilian's hand clenched into a fist. This was a group of conspirators. They had schemed against her, and she had unknowingly fallen into their trap. She looked at each of their faces, one by one. There were four of them: Camille and her daughter Isabel, Alex and his mother Kristy. These were the people who had dragged her into this mess.

But one day, she would rise again and make them pay for what they had done to her.

"Tsk...tsk... look who we have here," Camille sneered. "The adulterous wife. You still have the audacity to come back here? Have you truly discarded the last shred of shame you had?"

Camille scrutinized Lilian from head to toe, circling around her before bursting into laughter.

"You heard everything we said, didn't you? Well, let me tell you how it all began. I had carefully planned this a long time ago, with the help of my dear friend Kristy. We enlisted her son to assist us in executing the plan, in exchange for him marrying Isabel. I coerced you into the marriage so that we could reclaim everything later.

That's why Alex never laid a hand on you or had any intimate relations with you. He belongs to Isabel and cannot waste his masculinity on an illegitimate daughter like you. The sole purpose of organizing this party was for this very reason, and it was Alex who drugged you. You were then involved with a man, and the rest, well, you know what happened.

This house is off-limits to you. Everything I've done for you and all the years I've tolerated your presence, that's all you will have—just a memory," Camille declared, devoid of any remorse.

Lilian fought back her tears, refusing to show any sign of weakness in front of these people who would surely mock her for it.

"What have I ever done to you to deserve this?" Lilian asked, genuinely seeking an explanation. Was it because her father had divided his wealth between her and Isabel, with Lilian being the eldest? Or was it because her parents hadn't been married when she was born?

"Because you are Bernadino's illegitimate daughter," Camille replied, fixing her gaze on Lilian before taking a sip from her glass.

"Alex and I are married, Lilian. We are happy," Isabel chimed in, raising her finger to show off the golden wedding ring on her finger.

"Congratulations, Isabel. I sincerely wish you both the happiness you truly deserve," Lilian responded, but deep down, she was cursing them. Alex noticed her true sentiments, even though she couldn't openly express her ill intentions. He understood that Lilian's heart held nothing but resentment and a desire for revenge.

He felt a twinge of discomfort witnessing the way Camille treated Lilian, but at that point, he couldn't undo what he had done. He had been coerced into this act by his mother, who promised him full ownership of the Simmons' business if he married the legitimate daughter.

What more was Lilian waiting for? She turned her back and walked away. As she opened the door and stepped outside, she cast one last glance at the house that held cherished memories of her childhood. The place where her father used to carry her and Isabel on his shoulders, where they played together like a mother dog and her puppies. But today, that house was forbidden territory for her, forever.

Lilian released the door, and it closed shut on its own. She briskly walked out of the grand compound, and the tears she had been holding back finally broke free. They streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

She wandered on the streets, unsure of where to go. Lost in her thoughts, she found herself lingering on the sidewalk when she unexpectedly came across her childhood friend from school.

"Lilian!" Maureen called out, rushing over to embrace her. It was at that moment that Lilian noticed the curious gazes of passersby, who had turned to observe the scene. Suddenly, a car whizzed by at high speed, generating a gust of wind that caused Lilian and Maureen to stumble.

"What's gotten into you, Lilian? Do you want to get yourself killed?" Maureen scolded, her eyes filled with concern. As she looked at Lilian, she saw that her face was flushed and swollen, and she appeared exhausted and frail.

"Thank you, Maureen," Lilian murmured, realizing that she could have been struck by the car had Maureen not pulled her away from the middle of the road. At that moment, she couldn't help but contemplate whether it would have been better if she had indeed died. She would have reunited with her parents, and her suffering would have come to an end. She questioned if she should have let Maureen save her.

Lilian overheard murmurs from bystanders, some hurling insults at her while others pitied her, shaking their heads as they walked away.

While some people offered cautionary words, others simply hissed and walked away. Maureen took Lilian's hand and led her aside.

"Where are you going, Lilian?" Maureen inquired. The latest news was that Lilian had a quiet wedding a few months ago with a certain man.

Why does she look so miserable? Where is her husband and sister? If she remembers correctly, she has a younger sister named Isabel.

"I don't know," Lilian replied. She didn't have a home and had nowhere to go. Perhaps she could find a comfortable spot on a street corner to spend the night.

"What do you mean you don't know? Where's your home address?" Maureen asked. Lilian was married and certainly had a home with her husband. She also had a place in the Simmons' mansion.

"I have no home anywhere, Maureen. I am a wanderer. Maybe you should have let me get crushed by that car instead of saving me," Lilian said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Maureen grasped the situation. Her marriage was strained, making a return to Simmons' mansion impossible. She chose to remain silent, refraining from further inquiries.

Hailing a taxi, she urged Lilian inside before joining her. She provided the driver with her address, and they set off for home.

Maureen resided in a modest house with her mother and brother. Though it paled in comparison to her previous lavish dwelling, it was still a place she called home.

Upon their arrival, Maureen's mother spotted her daughter's return accompanied by a friend she hadn't seen in years. Warmly, she welcomed them both, yet sensing Lilian's melancholy, she refrained from probing further.

Maureen's mother and brother embraced Lilian, extending their hospitality. She was provided with a meal and had the opportunity to freshen up with a bath. Maureen's mother assured her that the guest room was at her disposal for as long as she needed it.

Lilian was overwhelmed by the unexpected kindness and care shown by her old friend. Her tears continued to flow, as the person she once considered a friend had now become her family, while her own family seemed like old friends. The irony of the situation was not lost on her.

As two days went by, Lilian found herself slowly starting to smile in response to Maureen's brother's lighthearted jokes. No one had yet inquired about what had transpired a few days earlier, until four days had passed and Lilian's mood had brightened, allowing her to engage in cheerful conversation with her newfound family.

Though still somewhat reserved, Lilian felt a growing sense of comfort and openness with her present family. That evening, Maureen's mother called both Lilian and Maureen, treating them as mother and daughter, and finally asked them what had happened.