No Hope.

Maureen remained silent, unsure of what had transpired that had left Lilian in such a pitiable state. Despite bringing Lilian home, Maureen couldn't fathom the cause of her profound sadness and unhappiness.

Their eyes met briefly, and Lilian, with tears streaming down her face, lowered her head. Maureen's mother was taken aback by the lingering sorrow even days after the incident had occurred. Maureen regretted her impulsive inquiry, realizing she should have allowed more time to pass before broaching the subject. She didn't want to inflict further pain on Lilian.

Trying to console her, Maureen's mother assured her, "You don't have to say anything, Lilian, if you don't want to. I apologize for asking in the first place." Resigned to not hearing Lilian's story, Maureen's mother was surprised when Lilian sniffled and offered a faint smile.

Lilian recounted the events that had unfolded, detailing her hospitalization and eventual signing of the papers. As Maureen and her mother listened to her story, they shook their heads in disbelief. Maureen, deeply moved by her friend's woeful tale, couldn't help but shed a few tears.

How could someone be so heartless to another person's daughter simply because she wasn't her biological child but rather the daughter of her husband? Lilian questioned, her voice filled with anguish.

"How is it my fault that my parents conceived me out of wedlock? Why should I be blamed for their inability to control their desires for each other?" she pleaded. "I am the one paying the price for their actions, subjected to such a malicious plot to disgracefully cast me out. If this had occurred while my father was still alive, I would have been able to stand on my own two feet and not allow myself to be taken advantage of by a stranger," Lilian explained, her voice tinged with frustration and sorrow.

Maureen and her mother listened attentively to everything Lilian revealed, their silence speaking volumes. It was evident that Lilian had endured immense suffering and abuse. Her arranged marriage had ended in a disgraceful manner, clearing the path for her step-sister. It was a harsh and cruel world. Maureen pondered where Lilian would have ended up if they hadn't crossed paths that fateful day. It was no wonder Lilian claimed to have no home; her statement held.

"We may not be as wealthy as where you come from, but please know that you will find a family here with us," Maureen's mother assured her. "Stay with us for as long as you need, and regain your footing. You must be strong and live your life for yourself now, not for anyone else. The best is yet to come, my dear. Please don't let their malevolence affect you," she coaxed, offering words of comfort and support.

And so, Lilian stayed with Maureen and her family for a month and a half, finding solace and a temporary home amidst their care.

Alex dispatched his men far and wide in search of Lilian, driven by a desire to compensate her for the suffering she had endured. He didn't harbor any hatred towards her nor did he intend to inflict such wickedness upon her. He believed he was merely following the prescribed narrative, acting by the script. He intended to offer her something to help her establish a means of livelihood.

However, despite their exhaustive efforts, Alex and his men were unable to locate any trace of Lilian. Concern for her well-being weighed heavily on his mind. He wondered if she had resorted to self-harm or if she had left the city altogether. His mood darkened, and he remained in a state of melancholy for several days.

Isabel, his wife, began to take notice of his unusual behavior. She observed his deep worry and questioned what could be troubling him. This was not his usual demeanor. Could he be missing Lilian? No, that couldn't be the reason. He held no affection for her, and they had never been intimate. While still in their pretense of a marriage, Isabel had already engaged in a sexual relationship with Alex. Their affair had consumed them, entangling them in a web of passion they couldn't escape, except at the expense of their family ties.

As this transpired, Lilian still saw herself as Alex's wife, considering him to be her everything—her soul and body. Determined to understand what was troubling him, she confronted Alex and inquired about his state of mind. To her surprise, he claimed to be worried about the lack of feedback from clients regarding proposals sent out by the company. It was a lie.

Isabel let out a soft sigh, realizing that this must be the cause of his distress. She knew it couldn't be because of Lilian. Isabel reassured Alex, assuring him that everything would be alright. They would send reminders to the clients and hopefully receive their responses. Alex smiled, expressing his confidence in Isabel's abilities and admiring her intelligence.


Maureen managed to secure a job for Lilian at her own company. Lilian was scheduled to start her new position the following week, commencing her professional journey with her appointment in hand.

However, Lilian noticed that she was late for her monthly period. It had already been two weeks past the expected date, and she grew increasingly anxious about the possible reasons for the delay. Amidst the turmoil of recent events, the thought of contraceptives had completely slipped her mind. She worried that her suspicion might be true.

Reflecting on the circumstances surrounding her encounter with Alex and Isabel, Lilian couldn't help but question their actions. If they had indeed hired a sex worker for Alex, shouldn't they have taken precautions and insisted on condom usage? Weren't they concerned about the potential transmission of diseases? It seemed as though they had little regard for her safety.

During Maureen's absence, while she was at work, Lilian made up her mind to discreetly leave the house. She headed to a nearby hospital and requested a pregnancy test. The waiting period between the collection of her sample and the announcement of the results felt like the longest duration she had ever experienced in her entire life.

Lilian couldn't help but wonder why the process of running a pregnancy test seemed to be taking an eternity. Doubts about the competence of the medical staff silently crossed her mind. She waited anxiously for the doctor to call her into his office, her hands trembling with anticipation.

Finally, the doctor motioned for her to enter his office. He handed her the report, and as Lilian's fingers grasped it, she noticed they were shaking. It struck her how just moments ago, she had been frustrated by the delay in receiving the results, and now, faced with the outcome, her hands trembled uncontrollably.

Recognizing her nervousness, the doctor cast a fleeting glance at Lilian. He had encountered women in similar states before—those who perspired unexpectedly, even in the comfort of an air-conditioned room—when delivering pregnancy test results that were not within the confines of a legitimate relationship. Lilian, eager to know the contents of the report, posed her question to the doctor.