Chapter 4: Be Friends Again

It's been a couple of days since I came in this timeline.

It took me quite some time to catch up, it seems like I created tons of mistake in this timeline, pretty sure that it can gradually change the timeline that I used to be.

I guess I need to be careful after all, even the petty things can cause major changes.

My mission is also really hard to accomplish at this time.

Professor Reginald's whereabouts is pretty hard to find, specially at this time, this is not the specific timeline that we discussed over, it is 4 years away from it.

I also tried to find him in the universities that he used to teach, but saddly there's no info about him, it says that he's long gone at that university, giving his address and personal infos will also breach the confidentiality of his personal informations.

Over the past few days, I also tried to reach out to Dr. Reece but his whereabouts is also hard to find. Same case with Glady, she's the same age as me, pretty sure she's still a student at this time, but what school?

I also tried to search them over their social media accounts, but I guess they're not too fond of it, nerds.

"Amiel, what are you taking so long? It's been an hour since you entered the bathroom! Maia is tired of waiting, hurry up! Get a grip and move fast or else you two are going to be late" said by my mother.

I think it is a common asian parent thing, she already said tons of things in a short period of time, she's like a rapper who's spitting bars.

Actually, we have a 3 day tour at the mountain. It is one of the activities that our school conducted. A tour on which we are staying in a mountain with two other schools while doing some recreational activities and team building.

It is a way for the students to establish cammaraderie and also to build up connection. They also thinks that being engage in people with diverse experiences and knowledge are beneficial.

Our bus will depart at 8:00am, it is only 6:20am right now but my mother seems like she's in a hurry, she's always been like this, it is not that the school is far from our house.

I got out of the bathroom and goes to the dinning table, we're going to eat first before we go to the school.

"What are you going to bring for the trip?" asked by Maia.

"I only have 6 pairs of clothes in my bag, some chips to eat during the trip and also a lighter, just incase that they expected us to create a fire ourselves" I replied.

"Dumbass, we're stayin' at a cabin, I don't think they're going to let us make the fires on our own, it sounds preposterous, besides, the food is on them"

"What? We're staying at a cabin? For real? Is it huge? I guess I need to bring along a tent"

"Tent? For what?" she replied

"I don't want to sleep in the same room with our classmates, they're annoying, who knows what will they do when we're asleep, they can draw numerous stuffs on our face or even out ointments in our eyes"

"You're overthinking too much, hurry up amd let's go, I don't want to be late"

I guess being punctual is a trait that is commonly found in girls, we still have almost one and a half hour yet they're scared to be late.

After 25 minutes, we arrived at the school. I'm not aware that the other schools are also going to meet up and assemble in our school ground, it is too loaded her, finding our bus might be a challenge.

As we are walking, finding our bus, I saw a very familiar face walking around also.

It was Glady!

"Glady!" I shouted loudly.

She looks at me, confused.

Oopppss! I guess I got too excited to the point that I have actually forgotten that at this time we don't even know each other. I guess I really messed up.

She immediately walk towards me, starred at me for a couple of seconds and even sniffed me.

"Do I know you? How the hell did you know my name?" she said.

"Ah, actually I'm from that science quiz event that is held in yotr school last year, I called you because we talked over there, don't you remember me?" I said. 

Maia looked a bit confused, she knows that I never participated in any science event in the school before. I just made that up, I actually remember Glady telling me this story when we were on the lab, she's so proud that she won in that event, saying that her curiousity in science started at that time. 

"You? Oh you're from that science event? What's your name again? I certainly don't remember you, even your smell is just new to me." she replied. 

Holy mac'n cheese, I have forgotten that Glady got this unique sense of smell. She actually told me that every people got a unique smell, once she smelled someone, that smell will retain in her mind for a very long time, I really need to be cautious next time. 

"So? What's the deal? Why did you even shouted my name? There are a lot of people here, are you retarted?" she added. 

I saw how Maia's expression switched, but I also told her no, she stopped herself from talking back to Glady. 

I am surprised that at this age, Glady is bad mouthed already. Haha. I guess that's why she didn't have a lot of friends while growing up, aside from being too intelligent to the point that her classmates thinks that she's weird. 

"Nothing, I just want to say that since we're in the same tour, let's get along really well" I replied. 

"Oh, is that it? Ok, fine" she added. 

Well, we parted ways after that. 

How can I even ask for her help? Will she think that I am preposterous if I told her that I'm from the future? She's a science enthusiast, I think she's going to be thrilled to know, but how can I start a conversation with her? 

I'm not actually sure also. 

 "Do you actually know her? You never particiapted in any science quiz event, there's no such thing like that in our school" Maia asked. 

"Actually I'm not quite sure" 

"You're really weird these past few days, you're a lot different" she said. 

"I am?"

"Maybe it is just me, but nevermind" 

"Come on, let's hop up at the bus" she added. 

"Let's go, I don't want to be late also, are we sitting next to each other?" I asked. 

"Yeah, no problem." 

I'm not certain how this trip will go on, but there is one thing for sure, I have found Glady. She's a huge asset when it comes to solving this dilemma, together. She can also cater a huge help on finding Professor Reginald and Dr. Reece. 

When I got to the lab, Professor Reginald and Dr. Reece personally recruited Glady, so I think they've known each other for a very long time. 

This can be a great start, I'll be right on track if I keep this up. 

But first, how can I make Glady trust me?

We'll see how this goes.