Chapter 5: The Revelation

After a few hours of a long drive, we finally arrived in our destination.

I though we were literally going to stay in the mountains, but I was wrong.

The place here is so goddamn huge, they also has poolsz rivers, jungle and stuffs, they even told us that they are caves near here that we are going to explore in our recreational activity.

"Welcome, students! As you are all aware, the purpose of this educational trip is to build up cammaraderie to other students, also to foster good connections and socialization.

Now here's the twist! We actually arranged your rooms randomly. Which means that you won't be staying with your classmates, thus you'll have to stay with students in differents schools, isn't that exciting?" said by the program manager.

Ah it is pretty exhausting, socializing with other people is my huge weakness, I can't stand people that much.

"Will you be alright?" said by Maia.

"Yes, I'll be fine I guess, I will just try not to socialize that much with them. How about you? Do you think you'll be fine?" I replied.

"Of course I'll be fine, I'm a social butterfly atferall"

That's really reassuring to know. For this whole trip, I'm going to focus more on how I can tell Glady everything.

She might be still a student at this time, but she's considered as a prodigy, it will took only ample amount of time for her to catch up.

"Attention, students! In every rooms there are lists of students that's attached to the door. If you happen to find your name on the list, that is that room that you're staying for this whole trip. They will also become your teammates on the recreational activities and team buildings" added by the program manager.

"Maia, let's go. I need to find my room as soon as possible, I think I want to rest for a bit"

"Yeah, sure, after you"

Finding our names in every door is really hassle, I wish they have used a proper channeling so that they can makes things easier.

"Amiel, I have found your name" said by Maia.

"Where is it?"

"You're in the room 13!"

"How about you? I'm in the room 15, we're just a couple of blocks away, not bad I guess" she added.

We immediately goes in our room, trying to fix our belongings.

As I am trying to lay down my blankets and bed, someone grabbed me at my clothes. It was Glady, I didn't notice that she was here.

"Keep quiet, follow me" she whispered.

We walked down the facility and tried to go to the river which is a bit far from the main building.

"What's your deal bob cut?" she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Stop giving me those bullshit. I know that you never participated in that science event, because your school never participated in those shit. I'm also aware that this is our first time seeing each other, your smells is unfamiliar. Who are you? How do you even know me?" she said.

"I guess you already caught me in act. If you're aware that I'm lying earlier then why did you agreed with me?" I asked.

"I have read your body language, it shows that you messed up, I totally agreed with you because you're with another girl, which lead me to think that she's the reason why you're hesitant"

"I already figured that's the case, you're as sharp as ever, Glady"

I already figure that I can't fool Glady, she's as sharp as ever, but I think that the Glady at this age is even sharper.

"Would you believe me if I told you that we are colleagues from the future?"

That's it, my actions can affect that whole timeline, but I don't have any choice, I need who can help me theorize, adjust and modify our idea in regards to time.

I figured that I popped up in her because our theory is incomplete, it is not about the machine, it is about the theory, there's still a missing piece.

"Your body language tells me that you aren't lying, but I think that I need more details in order for me to believe you" she said.

"You don't think that what I'm spitting is preposterous?"

"No, but it can possibly help if you can explain everything"

"I am from the future, specifically almost 11 years from now.

Actually, you, Glady, you are one of us. You are one of the head of the research that specializes the relativity.

Our group was able to create a time machine, it is actually a drive. A drive in which can expand the space in front of it, while it can expand the space beyond it.

In this sense, we are able to surpass the travel speed of light, of course without the person inside getting whipflashed.

I was sent by Dr. Reece and Professor Reginald to bring the blueprint in the past, so that the whole research will not be released on public.

When I was sent here, I thought it was only a dream, because the machine malfuntioned.

The theory stated that there will be 2 Amiels here in this timeline, but when I woke up I am stucked in this old body of mine. It feels like only my consciousness travelled through time, seems like there must be a flaw in our theory or maybe we're now stuck on a time paradox.

I've been trying to find Professor Reginald in these past few days, also Dr. Reece and you, but you're all hard to find.

Now, I'm glad to see you, again. I really wish that I can use your help"

I decided to explain everything to Glady, she might be a huge help, I badly neede someone I can trust right now.

"Professor Reginald? You mean Reginald Richafort?"

"Yes! You know him already?" I asked.

"Of course, he's my uncle"

"Whaaat? Professor Reginald is your uncle?"

"Why are you surprised? Are you not aware of it in the future?"

Now I get it, the reason why Glady is personally recruited by Professor Reginald is because he already knows that she's trustworthy. I guess their intellect really runs in the family, they're both considered as prodigy in their field.

"If he's your uncle, can you introduce me to him? I mean he's Professor Reginald, maybe he can fix things, specially the mistake that we have made in the past. I may not look like it but I still have the blue print of the time machine in my mind" I stated.

"Oh, that? Actually it's been 3 days since he's been missing, we haven't contacted him since his disappearance."

"What? The Professor is missing? What could be the possible reason?"

"We don't know that, but there are people who are representative from the FBI who visited him, before he disappeared. We don't know the further details. Actually I am the only one who knows that he's visited by the people of the FBI, no one in the family knows, other than me" Glady explained.

"I'm also glad that you have found me, Professor told me already that someone might be looking for me, and he's not just any regular person, he might be a time traveller, he said. That's the reason why I approached you first. At that time, I thought that he has lost his mind, but after seeing you, I admit that I'm wrong" she added.

"FBI? But why? This never happened in my timeline, I mean he's a professor at a prestegious university, he also doesn't have a bad record. And how did he knows that I will appear here? There are now a lot of questions to be asked and analyzed"

"Did something happened in the future before you got here? Maybe you have an idea?" she asked.

"Actually, there is someone who funded our whole research, it is a country, the United States. We are all already aware that they have a huge liking to our time machine, and what they're doin' is only a ploy, maybe they are behind the disappearance of Professor Reginald. If that is the case, then the two of us should remain cautious.

If possibile, would you mind helping me find Dr. Reece? Maybe he's also in danger.

If only I know what happened in the future after I got transported here"

"If what you have said is true, then I guess I wouldn't mind helping you. And besides, isn't it our fault why our timeline become distorted and unpredictable? If only we didn't tried to dwell in time" she said.

"Let's go back to the room for now, we've been away for a couple of time now, maybe the program head will come looking for us" I said.

"Yeah, I agree with you, for now let's split up and head back to the room" she replied.

"Split up? Why?"

"Dumbass, you think they wouldn't find it peculiar of someone sees us leaving together in this place? Most of the people here misinterpret what they perceive"

"Okay, understood"

If what Glady said is true, the it means that the project heads are in great danger, but why?

What the hell happened in my current timeline?

Is there any possibility that I'm not the only one who time travelled here? I'm totally clueless, we have to find Dr. Reece as soon as possible.

If it is plausible, I also wants to find Professor Reginald, pretty sure that he's still alive, I'm just missing something here.

When I got back to the room, I saw Maia looking for me.

"Hey, where have you been? I been looking for you for quite some time now" she said.

"I just got out from the comfort room, I got lost so I was away for a while" I replied.

"You look pale, is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything's alright, Maia"

I want to tell you how thing's messed up.

I came here to save you, but now I must save those people that's as important as you.

I must find and protect them by any means, I'll make sure to correct this timeline at all costs.

Even if I have to sacrifice my life for it.