By the time we got back to the garden I was sweating and panting in shock, fear, and ofcourse the buzz of lust in my body. Lord Talon's touch was like an electric current as I was left at his mercy. The air seemed thick and every breath I sucked in was difficult and noisy. Feverish excitement raced through me as I took each step painfully.

Guardian Elanor stood up as we approached, took one look at me, and scolded me " You better straighten your back. We have company" 

I nodded at her, walked to stand by her side with Advisor Maxwell, went back to the garden seat, and sat down. 

" Guardian, you have been pleading for the past one hour for me to teach this human slave but I told you that it's useless. '' Advisor Maxwell yelled. 

" You don't need to yell Advisor Maxwell. " She snickered 

I stared at the two of them in disbelief as they spoke to each other and could not help but smile at how badly they were acting. My body stiffened as a team of enforcer guards appeared and then a man stood in front of them.

" Greetings Guardian, Greeting Advisor Maxwell" The man bowed in greeting. 

"Deputy enforcer Claudio, it's been a while since I saw your handsome face. What brings you to the royal garden ?" Advisor Maxwell Interjected. 

" Forgive me, Advisor Maxwell, we are doing a routine check" He responded. 

" Really? I have not seen anyone in this garden from the Enforcer offices for years. " Advisor Maxwell snapped. 

Deputy enforcer Claudio looked awkwardly embarrassed and I knew that he had been either caught pants down or he had not planned to come and was forced to do it. 

" Forgive me, Advisor. I am just doing my job " He answered. 

" Are you a spy ?" Guardian Elanor smirked. 

" Certainly not Guardian" He answered quickly.

" Fine. Escorting us back to the castle it seems Advisor Maxwell is being stubborn " Guardian Elanor raised her chin as she spoke. 

" As you wish Guardian" Cladio jumped in on the opportunity. 

" See you later old man" Guardian Lenora retorted. 

" I hope not. I don't want to be disturbed. " He snapped back lay on the seat and closed his eyes. 

We left the royal garden and walked back to the castle. The clinking of Guardian Lenora's heels comforted me knowing well that she would protect me all the way and no one would harm us. 

" Why did you come?" Guardian Lenora asked Deputy Enforcer Claudio.

" I was instructed by Enforcer Warren" Deputy Enforcer Claudio muttered. 

" You should have refused," Guardian Lenora chuckled. " I have taught you better" 

" He would have raised hell. Hence it would be better to come that is why I sent a message to you to notify you that we were on the way " Deputy Enforcer Claudio stated.

" What does he want? " Guardian Lenora demanded.

" He wants the two slaves gone from Sith " Deputy enforcer Claudio whispered. 

" Because the Lords chose them?" Guardian Lenora asked. 

" Because the coven members who have interest in the Lords want them gone. You know how much he sucks up" Deputy Enforcer Claudio retorted. 

I was so busy listening that I never realized how fast we walked and arrived at our slave quarters. The enforcer guards gave way and Guardian Lenora walked into our quarters, the Deputy enforcer walked in and then I followed suit and the door closed. 

Fabian was seated by the living room and he stood up and bowed " Greeting Guardian" 

'" Rise " Guardian Lenora stated, " You are back so early?" 

" We finalized today's readings and work, Guardian" Fabian responded as he darted to Deputy Enforcer Claudio and then to me in question. 

"This is Deputy Enforcer Claudio. " She informed Fabian.

" Greetings Deputy Enforcer Claudio," Fabian bowed. 

" My good lord, no wonder the coven is gunning for both of you " Deputy enforcer Claudio whispered as his eyes raked Fabian from head to toe. 

" Don't even think about it brother" Guardian Lenora seethed at him. 

Our eyes darted between Deputy Enforcer Claudio and Guardian Lenora. 

" I have not done anything but the way these two look, Gidela and Ciaran will be out for blood. No wonder you asked me to have guards protect them day in and day out. I would do the same " Deputy enforcer Claudio growled. 

" Come on " Guardian Lenora pulled him out of our quarters and the door closed behind them. 

" What happened?" Fabian demanded

"Nothing. We went to the garden and then Claudio followed us. " I informed Fabian leaving out the finer details of how I wanted to rub myself of Lord Talon and my realization that he was a rogue. " What about you?" I deflected. 

" Training as usual," He said and sat down and looked troubled as his brows furrowed.

" Is something the matter, you look disturbed " I asked.

" We have been in the castle for over three weeks and have nothing to show for it. I am just worried " He responded dismissively and I knew he was lying. So this is how it felt to be lied to by your best friend. ?

I walked into the bedroom, closed the door, stripped, and walked into the shower. I turned on the cold water as it scalded my back, pain jolting through my body as cold water seeped into the wounds. I needed to snap out of the lust haze that Lord Talo had put me through. I had a habit of replaying everything in my head again, letting the details get fuzzy from overthinking.

" Do you think that little distance can stop me ?" I drawled and then his eyes dropped to my crotch. His eyes remained glued and I felt my cock stir, forcing me to turn away from him, and heard him chuckle " Oh Cedric, your ass is even more appealing.

My cock hardened and my hand lowered to my cock and engulfed it. I rubbed it as I closed my eyes and remembered how my body trembled as Lord Talon touched it, Lord Sith whispered in my ear and Lord Niko pulled my body up to his. 

I was doomed as I shattered in my hand and cum laced my finger and the bathroom floor. I bit my hand to suppress the moan that threatened to escape from the sheer force of the orgasm. Sheer pain and lust. The sexual tension was like a bottle of shaken champagne that erupted after being sealed for too long.

I removed my hand from my mouth and uttered " What the fuck" My eyes rolled at the back of my head and I put my head directly under the shower. 

The intoxication was so complete and I knew that I was done for. I accepted the fact that I lusted after the three Lords of the Sith castle.