I left slaves' private quarters in disarray after meeting the selected Lord's slave Fabian Alator.

My sister Guardian Lenora scolded me and gave me an earful before I disappeared and went back to the enforcer's quarters. I buried myself with work and late in the evening, I hit the castle private bar since no one was present. 

I lost track of just how many drinks I had downed, but it wasn't enough to render me shitfaced by any stretch of the imagination; my tolerance for alcohol was rather generous in that regard. But I did have a delightful buzz going on right now from the effect. This was a good thing since I did want to remove the picture of Fabian from my head.

 The bar was low-key and not many members of the castle came to it. Hence I was happy to be alone with the bartender and not shoulder to shoulder with people. I took a sip from my glass and swallowed without incident--the initial burn of the whiskey had decreased considerably as the number of glasses I consumed increased. 

I knew that I should have been a little more concerned with such pressing issues as getting back to the enforcer's quarters but those things paled in comparison to the gentle and pleasant sway of his equilibrium. It had been far too long since I had gotten drunk and I was going to take full advantage of it.

Eventually, my bladder momentarily trumped on my hard that had been evident since I left the slave quarters. I decided to stagger back and found myself outside Lenora's slave quarters. I leaned on the wall and was about to turn around when the door of the quarters opened and then Fabian's head popped as he checked the corridor for the guards and his eyes landed on me. 

" What?" his eyes widened and I moved with vamp speed, pulled him to the washrooms along the corridor, and then locked the door. 

" How the fuck did you do that ?" He leaned on the door.

Smirking victoriously, I slowly approached him, my eyes greedily devouring the enigmatic Fabian. I placed my hands on the door on either side of his shoulders and leaned in to take the scent of him. 

Fabian placed a hand on my chest to stop me. I looked at his hand and then lifted my head and whispered. "Did I assume too much?"

" You did " Fabian's response was cut and precise.

" I would disagree" I stated.

Before Fabian could respond, I pinned him on the door, with his wrists pinned over his head in a single-handed, vise-like grip. 

" What do you think you are doing ?" He growled.

I was unfettered as my hand settled on his crotch and began fondling him within an inch of sanity. The desire to touch him bare won and I unzipped his pants with frightening dexterity and reached inside them, grabbing hold of Fabian's cock and stroking it until it was a distended, throbbing mass of heat against my palm. 

Letting loose a husky string of expletives, Fabian closed his eyes and threw his head back against the door as he bucked his hips hard, driving almost frantically into my fist.

"Turn around," I commanded him.

"No" Fabian whispered but there was no conviction in the weight of his words.

I smiled and then turned him without letting go of his hands.

I let go of his cock and hooked his fingers into the waistband of Fabian's pajama pants, while I licked his neck.

" Tell me I am wrong " I insisted and Fabian remained tight-lipped. I let go of his hands and pulled him further into the cubicles and closed the door. 

Fabian adjusted his clothes, zipped his pants, and stood defiantly but the bulge on his crotch was evident.

" You have crossed the line " Fabian's eyes flashed at me. 

I pushed my power to confirm the rumors in the hall about their minds being impenetrable and Fabian smirked in return. 

" So it's true" I smiled and then added " Am glad. I don't want the coven to get their hands on you "

" Why does everyone keep repeating the same line?" Fabian demanded. 

" Oh Fabian, you have no idea what is coming your way " I laughed in pain.

" What do you mean ?" Fabian swallowed hard. 

I moved closer to him and begged " Please" as my hand snaked down his pants, unzipped them, pushed the pants down, grabbed his cock, and jerked him off. Over and over his mouth opened wide in a silent scream and my beast wanted nothing but to sink his fangs in him and taste his blood.

Fabian let out a resounding cry as he came, his cock quivering in my and his cum splattering against my hand. I went down on my knee and licked every single drop as Fabian watched. 

I pulled up his pants and then opened the door of the cube, and walked to the sink, to wash my hands. 

" You need to go," I muttered.

' Had your fill ?' Fabian snickered. 

I turned around and growled " Not as yet. I don't mind pulling your pants off and sinking my cock in your hold, while my teeth latch on your neck. "

The air sizzled around us as my words sunk in and Fabian looked away shyly. 

" Go now " I commanded him and he rushed out of the washrooms but not before he ensured the coast was clear and then he was gone. 

" Oh Claudio, you are a bastard. '' I whispered to myself as I felt the alcohol disappear from my body and I was once again as sober as before. I left the bathroom and walked back to the bar, drinking myself till dawn, with the images of Fabian and the sweet taste of his cum in my mouth. 

I staggered to my room after and blacked out once my body hit the bed. The last thought before darkness engulfed me was the words that Fabian uttered: " Had your fill?"