Advisor maxwell's pov 

Lord Niko's demand had me wearing a disguise and I left Sith castle covering my scent and went down to Elisera.

The town bustled with pomp as the humans who lived in it operated the night market, gambled, and danced the night away, making merry and drinking liquor. This was different from the way we lived in Sith. Everyone was greedy and ready to kill one another for the throne. They all sucked up to Lord Niko, Silas, and Talon Smith. 

Hence I decided to hide in the garden and stay clear of the Coven council that had Tharn and the Blackwells fighting for power. 

I passed by the night bars that had the call girls outside and they all rushed to me and whispered seductively " Old man, we shall make your day worthwhile. Join us ". As their hands ran all over my body my beast roared demanding blood but I reigned in it in and cursed at it in my mind " Not now" 

" Why not '" I posted a fake smile at the girls as we walked in. 

" Come on " They dragged me into the night bar and in a matter of minutes, they served liquor and chicken and plastered themselves on me. I placed a bag full of gold coins on the table and they all gushed at me as they took, untied it, and then shared amongst themselves as they giggled merrily. 

" A man's gotta eat" I picked up a piece of chicken and bit into it. 

The man at the corner of the club was watching me did not go unnoticed as he signaled the call girls to leave my table he walked over, pulled a chair, and sat down. 

" Why the fuck are you here ?" He growled. 

" I am enjoying a meal, why must you disturb me, Emmet?" I snapped at him. 

" I recognized you the minute you set foot in the village, you bastard "

General Emmet Bian was the general in charge of the human village. I had met him years ago when I had sneaked into the village to study the humans. And I wondered how he knew I had sneaked back in. 

" How ?" I muttered as I threw the chicken on the plate, poured myself liquor, and chucked it down. 

" You sent Maxwell. You can fool everyone but not me" He retorted. 

" Are you a dog?" I demanded and stood up to leave. 

" Yes. I was born a dog to sniff out cold-blooded monsters like you" He seethed. 

" You either talk nicely or I have no problem causing a scene Emmet " I snapped at him. 

He stood up and said " Follow me" He walked through the backdoor of the nightclub. We circled the streets as I followed him and then we came to a high-end house that was in the middle of two houses and he opened the door and walked in. I followed him, shutting the door behind him. We went through the house, two doors with a large corridor and then he opened another door, and stairs that led to a bunker came into view.

"You are as paranoid as I am" I chuckled. 

" Get in Maxwell" He growled and I walked in as he closed the door and we walked into a house that had been well furnished in the underground bunker. 

He took off his coat and said " Get that fucking disguise off your face" 

I chuckled and removed the mask that I had put on and then heaved a sigh of relief as my face felt free. 

" Did you miss me Emmet " I laughed as I placed it on the table and removed the jacket that I had won. 

" Shut up Maxwell. Why are you here ?" He demanded as he sat down and his eyes bore at me. 

" I was bored and came down to have a good time. Why the hell would you deny me? Do you have a drink? I need alcohol to calm my beast down"

He huffed, stood up left the living room, and disappeared in the corridor He came back minutes later with two glasses and two bottles of liquor. He placed them on the table served himself and sat down. 

"Your hospitality is wanting " I growled 

" I am not one of the human slaves that serve you " Emmet snapped. 

" No, you are not. You are much more than that. If only you would accept it " My eyes were at him and he turned away.

" Fuck off Maweool" He seethed as he sipped his liquor. 

" It would be better if you fucked me " I drawled.

 " In your dreams Maxwell" He responded. 

" Mmh I saw the batch of the new slaves. Cedric and Fabian" I spoke up and Emmet stiffened immediately. I had gone directly for the words that I needed him to react to. " I must say Cedric is something else. I could not read his mind and he turned me on immediately " 

Emmet stood up and threw the whiskey glass at me and I caught it midair as I used vampire speed and approached him as I set the glass on the table. Luckily he had drained all the contents out of it. 

" He fit in the slave suits and his ass fit like a snug and for the first time, I wanted to fuck someone" My eyes blazed at him. 

" Shut the fuck up Emmet" He threw a punch at my shoulder and he met a brick wall as he cursed from pain.

" Did you forget who I am? Why must you hurt yourself? You are the one that pushed me away" I snapped at him. 

" So that is why you here? Because you could not control or read his mind?" Emmet snapped. 

" Who is Cedric Chalon? If you dont tell me, I will ask the Vampire Lords to give him to me and I will make him my sex slave." I threatened him as my eyes blazed and my beast rose. I watched the way he swallowed hard and a vein popped on his neck. His blood had always called to me from the first time we met. But the minute he discovered I was a Vampire, we had been walking on eggshells with each other.

" I have no idea what you are talking about " He moved closer and towered over me. 

" Really? Do you know what is the most appetizing about Cedric? You can fuck him and not hear his thoughts." I drawled.

Emmet grabbed my neck and growled "I fucking dare you, Maxwell Dold"

" Dare? You have only one option" I snickered and then he pressed my mouth to mine as my face was filled with a sense of victory.

" I hate you Maxwell " He muttered and pushed my mouth open and lifted me we landed on the couch we kissed passionately and I tore off his clothes.