I was a monster. 

I could bring him nothing but pain and ruin but the haze of need and lust was greater than reason.

Even touching him was the biggest sin against the coven, and yet, I could not stop myself. Emmet was my weakness and I could not resist him. I had played this out in my fantasies too many times. Just one night as it was just lust. When the sun came it would be over and I would not be the one ruining his life.

Like a beast, I listened hear his heartbeat and felt the heat from his body as it blazed with lust. I ended the kiss, stood up from the couch, and looked down at him breathing heavily. I needed to calm my beast first, before moving further, or else the moment would be lost. Emmet stood up, reached for me, and unbuttoned my shirt, exposing my chest. My rose tattoo stood out as he continued to pull the shirttails out, and slipped it off me.

He then turned around and walked to the bedroom, I followed, and when we got there a massive bed stood out. He shook off the remaining clothes, his eyes looking everywhere but me. His flawless pale skin shimmered gently in the soft light and even though he was the General of the human's there was not a single mark on his body. He was flawless that I was so lost in awe and then dragged my eyes back to his face.

He looked at me like I was the evil scam of the world, a dangerous, cold-blooded killer.

I walked and stood there towering over him. Like a Beast. The simple truth is that I could not bear to stop now. I felt anger that sipped from deep inside me that he could be mine, not just for tonight, but forever. I stripped naked and noticed how his neck turned red from shame. I pushed in on the bed and in his eyes, I saw fear and need.

Both combined. 

Hovering over his body, I stared at him before moving move downwards, pushing his legs apart and my lips connected with his throbbing hole. He jumped as if he had been electrocuted and I did not give a fuck as I buried my head between his thigh and all I could hear was his moans. ' Dammit " He cursed as my tongue swirled, licking, rolling, slurping, tasting him over and over. His legs locked around my head and the hole tightened around his eager tongue.

 " Don't stop, please" He moaned in pleasure.

I removed my tongue from inside and swallowed his cock. He screamed, grabbing my head and coming so hard that the bed shook. I released his cock with a loud pop and then his eyes flashed at me as he raised himself from the bed, pulled me down, and then turned me around, his rough hands placed themselves on my lips and then pushed his cock into my hole. 

" Is this what you wanted Maxwell?" he growled. 

I winced in pain as he pressed himself into me. I felt him stretch me wider and wider as his cock went inside of me. Adjusting to the thick cock inside me, the sensation of fullness was so wonderful. 

 'Spread your legs wider, ' he instructed, his voice thick with lust. I obeyed without a thought. 'Wider still and push your ass up, ' he commanded. My entire body prepared itself to get the fucking of its life.

" Like this" I taunted him. 

 " You are slut, Maxwell". He began by rolling his hips, slowly, deliberately, before picking up speed, bumping into me as far as he could go and I felt how hard and big he was inside me. The thrusts became more savage, building and building to an almost unbearable speed. Mercilessly he fucked so hard while my hips rose to meet his thrusts until every nerve ending in my body is screaming for release.

Cum, ' he growled and immediately I was riding an enormous wave. My climax began at my core and It blasted through my body like a firebomb and ended at my fingertips and toes. The power of it made me cry soundless and made me physically shake. Emmet carried on jackhammering the entire length of his cock deep into my body, and it began all over again, the next climax slamming into me like a brick wall. Until my brain felt fried, my mouth was screaming noiselessly, and my limbs shook and convulsed uncontrollably. 

When it was finally over, my body felt as heavy as lead and I was so completely drained my upper body collapsed on the bed. His hands don't let go of my hips. He kept us joined while my hole carried on convulsing and my cock leaked of cum. Only when all the tremors were gone did he pull out of me. 

He fell to the bed, his head appearing next to my eyes. I turned to look at him with awe. 

" What?" He demanded.

" Your blood, It calls to me " I whispered. " The thirst I feel, I have tried to contain it but I can't" 

" I will not let you dip your fangs in me, Maxwell. " Emmet scolded me.

I turned my back on him and tried to control the thirst, closed my eyes and willed my body to calm down but Emmet was a brute. The scent of his fresh blood hit my nostrils and when I turned around he had slashed his wrist and then extended it to me. I trembled and his face was filled with a look of triumph. 

"I hate you Emmet" I whispered as my mouth latched on the cut and sucked his blood. I felt the way his hand went to my hair and brushed it affectionately as I fed him. Once my beast was sated, I licked the wound, it instantly healed and I fell back on the bed. 

"I know why I came here. But Cedric and Fabian are off limits" Emmet said with conviction. 

" Fine. But you need to give me something, I can't return empty-handed to the Lords and say I found nothing. They know me well enough to detect when I lie or say I found nothing" I declared.

" Cedric comes from the lineage of the witches of Elisera. He is not only powerful but destined to be a leader. " Emmet whispered. 

" I know that " I stated. " Do you think I came here without having tested him?" 

Emmet bit his lip and said, " If you knew that why did you come ?" 

"To find out why you sent your priceless gem to Sith" I moved close to him and our breath merged. 

" To seduce the Lords and make them stop using us as slaves,' Emmet announced as his eyes flashed and his nostrils flared.

" You wasted your time. They could have just sent you to me" I moved on top of him and pressed our bodies together. 

" I am not a slut Maxwell" Emmet voiced but the way he rasped made me happy. 

" No. You are not. But I am willing to be your slut " I declared without shame or remorse." Hence even if they sent you, I would be at your beck and call, willing to submit to your commands General." 

" The General's slut? " Emmet mouthed and pressed me to him." It sounds so good. " 

" At your beck and call" I added.