Guardian Lenora summoned us the next day and from her mood she looked pissed off.

" Greetings guardian" We piped.

" Come closer" She demanded.

Cedric and I obeyed and she seethed " Is there something you wish to share with me?"

" No Guardian" Cerid was the first one to respond and she banged the table so hard it rattled and I stepped back in fear.

"Speak up or I will send you to the Guardian jail where I send all the irritable and naughty slaves " She growled.

" No Guardian we have no secrets to share " Cedric insisted and she smiled.

"Good. " She sat down and pointed at me and added " You need to work on your defensive method. If you are asked to spill secrets you need to be firm and refute that you know anything. It will get dangerous for the two of you in the coming days, months, or years. My brother has gone completely crazy and the Lords are giving me a headache. How come Elisara sent the two of you this time? Is this a trap meant for us?"

" No Guardian. The head of the human village selected us to be set. We could not say no" I responded.

" Cedric, what did the Lords say last night ?" Guardian Lenora turned to Cedri and demanded as she moved from her desk and walked towards him

" I only served them the meals and we had a little chat. I ran out of there so fast after that, Guardian" Cedric responded and knew that he had omitted the fact that the three Lords made him shatter in orgasms.

His eyes bore at him and then she burst out laughing " You are incorrigible Cedric. I think I will have a good time with you here"

" Yes, Guardian" Cedric responded.

" Go back to your quarter and stay put today. Unless it's under my orders. Dont leave yoru quarter" She instructed.

" Yes Guardian" We both piped.

We remained in our quarters the rest of the day and when night came, I was in bed missing Claudio. No matter how many times I tried to make myself believe that, the night was nothing more than two animals acceding to their wildest, lustful desires, I knew different.

I turned and listened to Cedric snore and then turned back and closed my eyes. My hand snaked into my pants and I grabbed it. The vivid image of how Claudio worked on my cock was fresh in my mind. I rubbed my cock and not before long, my orgasm raced foward like a tornado. I bit my hand to suppress any sounds that my mouth would emit as my cock pulsated, frantically cheering my hand on, like it had a fucking mind of its own and cum laced my hand and pants.

" I am doomed, " I thought to myself as I came down from the high. I slowly got out of bed, cleaned up, and then struggled to sleep for so many hours, and when I did it was from exhaustion.

Two days later Cedric was summoned to serve the Lords again late one evening.

" Dont forget your promise" I reminded him and he nodded and left the quarters.

I walked to the bedroom window and stared out of the window. There were no stars in the night sky above, and the air was strangely heavy and full of static electricity. I sensed a storm coming and then heard the door of the quarters open and then shut and the lock was put in place.

My heart pounded happily as I knew that it was only Claudio who would come into my room. I turned around and Claudio walked into the bedroom looking feral. He rushed over and picked me up with speed which was not human at all. He tore my clothes amidst the laughter that emitted from my mouth and I demanded. " Is this what I am going to be dealing with all the time I meet you "?

Claudi responded, " You kept me waiting for too long, why have you remained in your quarters and have not left for the past two days?"

I pushed him onto the bed and then lowered my head and snaked my tongue out and ran it slowly up the side of his shaft and over his cockhead. He was so warm, his scent intoxicating. Claudio intertwined his fingers into my hair and plunged his entire shaft deep into my throat making me gag, and saliva flooded my mouth. He withdraw his cock and then pushed it back and fucked my mouth.

" I almost went crazy " He moaned.

It did not take long and he shattered into my mouth. It was the first time I had ever done this but Claudio rubbed my throat and in seconds all the liquid trickled down my throat and I swallowed all of it.

Claudio removed his cock from my mouth, pushed me onto the bed, and then widened my legs as his fingers rubbed my rim. I felt embarrassed since no one had ever been this close to me but he only winked at me as lowered his head and his tongue made me buck from the bed as pleasure shot through my body.

His tongue devoured me until I began to shake and my fingers dug into Claudio's shoulder and then my cock twitched and I shattered, I went rigid as I felt the tension peak and it held me in its thrall before crashing over me in an earth-shattering orgasm.

While I rode out the storm Claudio never stopped, even after the hot juices spilled over my stomach. I heaved a gasp and my hazed mind couldn't even think and then I felt the head of Claudio's thick cock press my hole and I winced in pain as he pushed his way in.

'Tight, hot, and sweet" Claudio strained voice surprised me.

" I have never-" I whispered and the words were interrupted as Claudio hit a spot that made me moan and he covered my mouth.

" You belong to me Fabian Alator" Claudio's eyes flashed golden and then his pupils turned a different shade of blue, then red, and then they were back to normal.

'Don't let me go,' The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them.

'Understand something. I will never give up on you or let you go, no matter how hard it gets. You are mine. I will cover your body with my death if I have to.' Claudio vowed as thrusts became rougher and more forceful as he slid in and out. He lowered his body and sucked on my nipples and then pulled my legs to wrap around my hips and I started moving meeting his thrust.

Then it happened. The unit of our union, knowing no limitations and infinite. The impending orgasm in its purest form, melting and becoming one. My eyes glued to him and we became one. The sinner and the slave, good into bad and back again. It was the single moment that I felt united with Claudio and it does not matter if I was a human slave and he was the slave master.