I had been summoned again by Lord Niko Sith.

My body trembled when the order came in from one of the guards of Guardian Lenora. 

As I left Fabian and I nodded at each, reminding ourselves of the promise we made to Elisera. 

 I left the private quarters, six guards escorted me to the Lord's inner chambers and soon I realized that this was no ordinary summon by the way the guards slowed down as we approached the last corridor. 

When I turned around the punch caught me in the area just above my ear, and in the confusion, his brain registered it merely as a thud, but in fact, it was the kind of blow that knocked one to the ground. Seconds later my eyes blurred and the world started to spin. I lost control of my legs as they turned weak and went down hard. I felt it in my head and felt everything go down dark and silent. I tried to position my hand out to cushion the fall and the second blow came as the guard kicked my stomach. 

" That is fucking painful," I thought out loud " Why the fuck are the guards attacking me and yet am going to serve the Lord? Unless someone else sent them?" 

I listened from a distance and heard the sound of a knife blade swishing open and it was like an electric shock on my brain. I breathed in and out, remembering all the training that General Emmet taught me and then I gathered every bit of strength and thrust my leg on the guard who held the knife and aimed at the shin bone. I heard a crack of bone as it tore and he fell on the ground with a grunt of pain. I stood up and took the blade from him, tipped it at the bottom of his ear, and sliced through him. Blood spluttered as the guards took a step back but one of them was bold enough he came running through and I caught him full-on on the face with my elbow and smashed his nose. Instinctively the guard's hands went to his nose and I had the opportunity to stab his stomach, he stumbled and fell on the ground. 

" Who is next ?" I demanded. 

" A slave killing guards deserves death " One of the guards seethed. 

" You are attacking the Lord's slave," I responded. 

" Who cares? We shall report to Enforcer Warren that you attacked first " One guard moved to punch me and I caught his fist in my hand and then I used all my strength and broke his hand. He went down on his knees in pain and grunted. 

" Given the fact that none of you is screaming in pain tells me that you are humans of Elisera. You came here as slaves and now guards who betrayed us and now are killing your own? How stupid are you? " I snickered. 

" You are just a slut who the Lords will use. " One of the last two guards spoke up. 

" How is that your business ?" I demanded. " Are we relatives or related?" 

I watched as their eyes widened and they looked over their shoulders in fear. I turned around and Lord Niko Sith was standing behind me. His eyes blazed at the guards and took a step back and then went down on their knees. Niko moved with speed and slashed their necks and they fell on the ground dead. Lord Niko did not have a knife in his hand and I wondered how he made the kill. Did he hide a small blade between his fingers? I made a mental note to investigate later on.

" What happened ?" He demanded. 

" Your majesty, I coming to your chambers since you summoned me to serve you " I bowed and grunted in pain as I felt the pain from the blow that the guards had kicked me earlier. 

" Summoned? I never summoned you. Neither did Talon or Silas" He responded just as guards arrived in the inner court and surrounded us.

" What?" My eyes widened. 

" We never summoned you, Cedric." He repeated and moved to stand close to me towering over me. 

" The guard boasted about telling Enforcer Warren your majesty" I whispered.

" That fucking bastard " Lord Niko growled and then commanded the guards " Clean this mess up and ensure that all of them are dead."

" Yes your majesty " They all piped. 

" Follow me " He instructed me and I lowered my head and turned to follow him. He raised his hand and it went to my chin and raised it " Raise your head Cedric. "

I nodded and followed Lord Niko and we arrived at a chamber at the corner of the inner chambers and the guards opened the door and we walked in. Once the door closed, Niko moved to the center of the room and said " This is my private office" 

I nodded and my eyes wandered around, admiring the place and then he pointed at the couch on the far end near the window and said " Have a seat. "

Obediently I walked to the couch and when I sat down, a grunt escaped my lips as the pain from the blows sunk in. Lord Niko's eyes widened as he stared at me and said " You took a few blows why are you whining ?"

" I was caught off guard, your majesty, " I explained. 

He turned and walked over to me, sat next to me and then his eyes went behind my ear. " You are bleeding" He stated and then raised his hand and wiped the blood from the cut behind my ear and then licked it. 

" What ?" My mouth dropped open and wondered why I found his actions so hot. He pulled me close and then his mouth lowered to the cut and licked it clean. My body trembled from the fact that Lord Niko was licking my wound. He then pulled back and said " All healed"

I stared at him as I raised my hand behind my ear and felt that the cut was gone. No pain nor scar. My eyes raised to Lord Niko in shock. 

" Your majesty, what was that ?" I posed the question to him. 

" Let me check all your wounds first " he stated as he unbuttoned my shirt and then we both looked at the purple and reddish wound that was evident from the blow the guard gave me with his boot. Lord Niko pulled me into his lap as I winced in pain and then lowered his head and licked the wound. A lewd moan escaped my mouth and my hands went to my mouth as embarrassment laced my body. 

Lord Niko's small chuckled made it even worse as he continued to lick me and then pain receded from the round and when I looked down, the wound healed miraculously. I pushed his head up and then stared at my stomach in shock. 

My eyes raised to Niko and I whispered ' What the fuck are you?"

A knock at the door interrupted our conversation and Lord Niko pulled me off his lap and responded " Come in "

A guard walked in and bowed " Greetings your majesty, Advisor Maxwell is back and wishes to see you " 

" Great. Escort Cedric back to his chambers " He commanded the guard, stood up and walked out of the royal office.