Chapter 7: The Rude Awakening

"What makes you think I can't pay for it?" Alexandra retorted through gritted teeth, a frown etched between her brows as she glared at the lady standing before her.

Hannah interjected. "I know you can't," she mocked with a smug expression that masked her features. Taking one step forward, she pushed the door even wider and closed the distance between them. "So take it off!" 

"I'm not taking it off unless you rip it off my body."

"Gladly," Hannah muttered under her breath as the corners of her lips twisted upwards into a smirk.

Without a single warning, she lurched forward, her hands immediately found the zipper at the back of the dress and she forcibly yanked at it. Peels of laughter erupted from her lips, filling the place as Alexandra struggled to fight back against two women holding her down. 

"Let me go!" Alexandra screamed, her voice piercing through the air as she flailed her arms around and kicked her legs. Amusement danced in Hannah's eyes as she watched, she enjoyed every second of it.

Behind them, a loud voice bellowed, slicing through the thick tension that hung in the air. "What do you think you are doing?! Let go of her right now!" He demanded as his face darkened visibly upon witnessing the scene unravel before his very eyes.

Both Hannah and Tasha immediately whipped their heads around, their eyes fell on Caleb who was glaring at them from a distance, his jaw clenched tightly and his fists balled up beside him. The smirk that was already plastered on Hannah's face grew even wider this time. "Who's that, Al? You found a new man already?" She taunted. "I wonder what Ethan will think about this?"

Caleb closed the gap between them in a few angry steps, his heavy footsteps echoing in the boutique as people watched. He finally came to a halt, and he was now standing only less than an arm's length away from them. Pushing past them, he grabbed Alexandra and pulled her to his side, his hand quickly reaching for the zipper to help her zip it up entirely. 

Tasha's eyes widened in fear and shock, a surprised gasp emerged from her parted lips as she took a step back. She recognised him.

 "Mr… Mr Wright, what… what are you doing here?" She asked, stammering as her voice shook and trembled violently. Her usual obnoxious demeanor quickly crumbled, as she apologised immediately leaving Hannah confused. 

Hannah quickly grabbed onto her friend's arm. "What are you doing, Tasha? Why the hell are you apologising to this man?" She questioned in a low whisper, but Tasha's eyes were still glued to him. 

"I saw everything," he began. The words barely left his mouth when she started pleading and begging him as she desperately clung onto him. 

"Please Mr Wright, I'm sorry this was a mistake, I didn't know she's your girlfriend. I'm begging you, please don't tell Mr Jameson. I need this job, I have 3 kids I have to take care of and-"

He simply dismissed her, brushing her off as he pushed her hand off his arm, a cold expression masking his features. A cold chuckle left his lips."I wonder what my good friend thinks about your behaviour here today? I will be sure that he knows about this. Whether or not you will lose your job… that will be entirely up to him," he threatened as a slight smirk morphed itself onto his face. 

Tasha's face fell in an instant as she collapsed onto the chair next to her. She was slumped over the chair with her heart racing inside her chest, as her mind buzzed with a million thoughts and questions as the fear of uncertainty crept inside her, his words haunting her. 

"Let's take off this dress," Caleb urged before he turned to look at Hannah right in her eyes. "It's filthy now. You can have it," he sneered, earning a loud scoff from her.

Before she knew it, Caleb had flung the dress onto the ground, letting it land right beside her feet. "It's yours now." She stared in disbelief, watching as Caleb and Alexandra sauntered out of the boutique. 

Alexandra was silent the whole time, still visibly shaken from the events that unfolded just minutes ago. He pulled her aside, standing at a quiet corner of the mall, he placed one hand on her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, his deep voice laced with concern and worry as he met her gaze. 

His soft gentle voice jolted her back to reality. She looked up at him before mumbling, "Yeah," her voice was barely audible as her eyes darted around anxiously. 

"Hey, look at me," he demanded, gently holding onto her face, forcing her to match his gaze. He tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear, and a smile fell on his face. "I know something that can cheer you up, come on, let's go." Without a second thought, he casually reached down to grab her by her wrist, his fingers wrapping loosely around her wrist as he pulled her along to follow behind him.

A soft gasp of surprise left her parted lips the moment his fingers brushed past her skin but she found herself smiling already. 

Soon, she found herself standing in front of an ice cream shop tucked away at the corner of the mall. It has a nice pastel theme interior and cute little charms hanging around sparsely. The sweet and buttery aroma of the freshly toasted waffles lingered in the air and reached their noses, welcoming them inside. 

There were only a few people in there and they quickly plopped themselves down into one of the available booth seats by the glass panel where they could see people walking by. 

As she sat at the table across from him, it felt like they had gone back in time to when they were only 17, having ice cream and sharing one cup of milkshake together in the mall after skipping the ever-dreaded math class, it was her worst subject back in school after all. 

His voice reached her ears and broke her out of her little reverie. "You can't tell me that ice cream doesn't cheer you up," he mused with a smile. 

His little commentary cracked a smile on her face this time as she let a soft delighted giggle escape her lips. "Yeah, it does. It's my favourite."

"Still cookies and cream?" He asked, a playful glint in his dark eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows with a grin still etched onto his face. A hint of disbelief flashed across her face thinking about how he still remembered this tiny fact about her after all these while. Then, she smiled as she nodded lightly. 

Before she knew it, the plate of ice cream waffles and two cups of milkshake were placed in front of them by one of the staff. "Enjoy," he said with a smile, gesturing to the table of food which immediately put a smile on both of their faces.

Alexandra had only taken the first bite of her ice cream when her newfound peace was quickly disrupted once again when she heard that same sick voice taunting her again, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Oh look who it is."