Chapter 14: The Opening Act

"I found a new job," she stated simply, her voice remained unwavering as she refused to be intimidated by him, not breaking eye contact as she spoke.

He leaned forward, coming closer to her now, their faces dangerously close. He paused briefly before he turned to whisper into her ear. "Don't think I don't know about your little game."

"Who said I was playing any games?" Alexandra asked, batting her eyelashes innocently. 

She brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, revealing a gentle smile. Her eyes keenly watched as Ethan's gaze fell on her lips before returning to her eyes, and Alexandra's lips stretched just the slightest.

This man was revolting. He enjoyed women as though they were tools, and wasn't able to appreciate what he had until he lost it. This was the same with his relationships— now that Alexandra was no longer with him, she could tell the way he looked at her was different from when they were married.