Chapter 30: The Secret is out

Alexandra found herself sitting across the table from her supposed ex-husband. There was this smile plastered on his face, one that was full of warmth and actually felt genuine. 

Like old times, they were sitting at one of those tables next to the large windows and glass panels, just so that they could look out. She always enjoyed people-watching from a young age, there was no doubt that the seat by the window was her favourite spot in any restaurant or cafe. 

This time they were in an Italian restaurant that serves wood-fired pizza, Alexandra's favourite. The strong aroma of the baked crust and pizza sauce lingered in the air as soft chatters filled the place. Of course, they had to order the pepperoni pizza she was craving for. 

The food had just been placed on the table by their waiter and a huge grin was starting to form on her face. But that grin faded almost as quickly as it came.