Chapter 29: Is this the end?

Just a few minutes before Caleb had stepped out of the wedding hall to look for Alexandra, from a distance away, Ethan had noticed her sitting on one of the benches by the streets, crying alone. At that point in time, he didn't know that it was Alexandra just yet. He was only there to meet a friend for lunch.

The soft sobs and sniffling reached Ethan's ears, and he looked at the girl in a formal long black dress with curiosity glistening in his eyes, wondering what was wrong, why was she crying in the middle of the busy streets in broad daylight. He took another step closer towards the girl unknowingly, closely examining her like she was a foreign object.

It was at this time that Alexandra felt someone hovering above her, a large black shadow casting over her, blocking the sunlight from reaching her. She quickly wiped the tears away from her eyes before looking up to be greeted by a familiar face.