Chapter 28: A nightmare reality

Silence settled between them.

Alexandra couldn't believe what she had just heard. She thought that maybe somehow she was in this crazy nightmare that didn't seem to be ending anytime soon. But she wasn't. It was the reality she was in.

She didn't know that words had so much power, that his words could hurt her that deeply, like a knife cutting into her heart. Her heart was now a bleeding mess.

Caleb eyes were now fixed on Alexandra's. Of course, he didn't miss the hint of sadness and disappointment swimming in her eyes, nor did he miss the tiny frown that was etched onto her face.

He needed time to process what had just happened before he was rudely jolted back to reality. "Alexandra!" Caleb called out after a while, his deep voice reaching her ears. He reached his arms out toward her, placing his hand on her shoulder.