Chapter 32: The Confrontation

"Are you crazy? You are not leaving this apartment in the middle of the night," Caleb demanded as he stood up from the couch hastily, his breathing getting louder with each passing second. He reached out for Alexandra in an attempt to grab her. His fingers were now tightly wrapped around her wrist. 

It didn't matter that he was still upset or mad about how close she was getting with Ethan, a part of him still cared for her and worried for her. Of course, he wasn't going to let her leave alone, it's not safe out there, especially not at this time. 

She tried to yank her hand out of his grasp, but his hold on her only got tighter than before. They locked gaze. He couldn't help but notice the anger that was evident in her eyes and the tears that were starting to fill the brim of her eyes, threatening to fall any second then.

"Let me go!" She screamed, her hoarse voice echoing throughout the apartment.