Chapter 50: On one condition

Barely a moment ago, Stephanie was so sure that her sudden yet carefully orchestrated outburst that revealed the events that unfolded earlier would get Caleb to finally open his eyes and see what type of person Alexandra really was. She thought that he would rush to her side in an instant, offering comfort and concern, asking if she was okay or injured. 

Yet, none of that happened.

Instead, when she looked up to find his eyes, all she could see were how his eyes were cold and expressionless as his gaze met hers. The smile that was starting to form on her lips disappeared quickly. She was still having a hard time processing the words that came out of Caleb's mouth, she simply couldn't believe it. To put it simply, she was in disbelief. 

Stephanie let out a loud scoff. "You are choosing to take a stranger's side instead of your own mother's? I can't believe I raised you for over 20 years and this is what I get in return?" She questioned, her tone an accusing one.