Chapter 51: I promise

Alexandra's reluctance was obvious as she contemplated the offer that was thrown to her seemingly out of nowhere. Caleb glanced down and noticed that her fingers were playing with the hem of her shirt, something she tended to do whenever she was feeling nervous or conflicted. 

There was a moment of silence as his parents looked at Alexandra expectantly, waiting for her to open her mouth and say something.

Seeing that she was struggling to come up with a reply, Caleb jumped in to speak on her behalf. "She'll think about it," he said, the words rolling off the tip of his tongue smoothly.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Alexandra spoke up. "I'll be there," she quickly said, then turned to look at Caleb, giving him a small smile. The tiny feeling of the pressure building up in her chest disappeared.

"Great," William commented as his lips stretched into a smile. Beside him, a smile also found its way onto Stephanie's face, as she beamed with delight.