Chapter 60: Falling apart

The world around Ethan seemed to stop spinning at that moment and everything had come to a halt. It was as if the world had come to a standstill and his dreams were shattered in that instance. He simply couldn't accept the fact that everything he worked so hard for came crumbling down. 

He sucked in a deep breath. "You're joking right?" He questioned, his eyes still fixed on the piece of paper in his hand, doubt evident in his eyes as he stared at her signature.

"No," she uttered a single word, her usual sweet and loving voice was now cold and distant. She wasn't even looking him in the eyes as she spoke.

Millions of questions started swirling in his mind and the memories they shared over the years flooded his head, reminding him of all the good times spent together with his wife. He simply couldn't believe his eyes, thinking it was just a horrible nightmare or a cruel prank that she was pulling.