Chapter 75: Everything is real

Alexandra didn't know how long she had been standing outside of the same bridal shop, just staring up at the signboard as people walked past her. Many questions started swirling in her head like a damn hurricane as she kept her eyes on the unknowing couple, her gaze following their every movement, scowling at the sight of Elisha holding onto him as she laughed.

Not sure when but somehow within the next few minutes or so, she found herself pushing open the same glass door that led to the place that they were currently in. It was almost as if she was on auto-pilot now. The identical soft jingling of the bell above the door sounded in the place and she was immediately greeted by one of the staff who approached her as she stepped foot into the same shop.

"Hi, welcome to Wedding Story Boutique, how may I assist you?" The lady asked as her lips stretched into a polite smile, her voice breaking Alexandra out of her little reverie and reality came crashing down onto her.