Chapter 92: Back at the same place

Silence hung in the air like a thick blanket momentarily as they only looked at one another, neither saying a single word. 

The nurse's words replayed at the back of her mind, reminding her of what Caleb had done for her. She cleared her throat loudly and her lips curved into a small smile. "Of course not, why would I?"

He was surprised by her response. He had already mentally prepared himself earlier, thinking that Alexandra would throw him out of her ward once again. But seeing her smile again was nice. He let out a breath of relief and she could see the way his body relaxed visibly. He started to approach her slowly. "How are you feeling?"

She found herself glancing down to see the plaster still on his arm. "Better."

He smiled. "That's good to hear."

Another moment of silence passed. "I'm just going to go now then," he announced. "Just wanted to see for myself that you are okay."