Chapter 96: Back on track

Alexandra's sudden request came as a surprise to Ethan. It was like seeing snow in a tropical country, absolutely unexpected and unbelievable. Feelings of shock and surprise surged through his body at that moment, as he met her gaze.

Emotions were running wild in his eyes and a tiny frown crept onto his face to rest between his brows. "What? Did you just say you wanted a reproposal?" He asked, echoing her words. She simply smiled and nodded in response. "Why the sudden request?" He asked, mostly out of curiosity.

She looked down at her wringing hands. She was absentmindedly playing with the ends of her long dark hair as she feigned worry with her knitted brows and a serious expression masked her features. Her voice was soft as she spoke, barely audible. It felt as though she was in one of her most vulnerable states. "I cannot risk Hannah taking you away from me ever again."