Blue Whale : level 6 [ basketball battle ]

now that the players were all gather in the basketball court , the speaker explain the rules saying there is a bomb in one of the balls , and it will be defused just after you put the ball into the basket, every team must have 3 ball wins

and not more than that, there should be only 3 wins in any team not more than that, after winning the players will quickly run towards the next door and will escape this place because the bomb fit into one of these balls will explode with the losing team 

there were 10 balls over the game spreading on the ground and you have to pick one and have to put into the basket, on first try if you can't put the ball then you will actually play the game according to game rules with making team members which will be very hard since players clearly don't trust other players 

there is really one way to win this level and that is to take the first chance and put the ball into the basket in one go ! or you will have to play the game like how actual basketball players play on the court

Alex gathered all members saying if you want to win it guys, we must play in together , I know you don't trust me but this is our chance, or we all will die in this level right here !!

Yuno said , Alex you're right , I do hate our team members, but these players seem more dangerous and even though they are same age as us they seem more heartless, they will kill us if we don't win it 

now , whoever is good in basketball will go , " no one plays basketball " 

says Enzo -

I know who they are , these shark players , one of them is my known friend how did he end up here ? 

Enzo , we don't have time for this either you are with us or with them , says Alex 

don't worry , just let me play the first time and i will put the ball into the basket 

NO !! 

you are not doing it , says Yuno with loud voice , "I don't trust you" well that's not my problem , we are here to win not to take your petty revenge .

Yuno said I will put the ball , trust me I can do this if I don't win you can do whatever you want with me 

shut up Yuno , we don't have time for this let Enzo play the game , says Alex while staring at Yuno [ this is the part where the massacrer begins] 


now after the discussion was over Enzo was ready to put the ball , we can say Enzo was ready to loose , because he wanted to betray all of his team members just after he saw his childhood friend in the other team 

team whale has lost his chance 

team whale was betrayed by Enzo - 

every one was doomed , Yuno laughed in anger also with tears , the grudge he was holding of killing Enzo only grew stronger , Yuno said to the game to expel Enzo and that we will play this game without him 

Enzo told he wants to join the shark team and is willing to play with them , the game allowed him to do that because , the players don't trust each other 

the trust level other team have was everything the blue whale team needed but then players started leaving team blue whale and they joined the sharks 

the speakers said now the basketball game begins , all players are requested to goal 3 balls and to win this game only in 30 minutes .

Alex was calm and he looked at lily , told her- don't worry I will win this game for you .