Blue Whale : level 6 [ rule break]

All the VIP members were enjoying this game , seeing how their chosen players are playing the game the hunger for winning the game was only growing after each level

VIP members don't even want to win their bet they just want to see how this game will end , who will be that person to stand out in this deadly game 

Kol and admin have told each other they won't bet anymore on the players because the players are changing their team and its useless to bet on them and now that they would only like to see how players cross each level 

the basketball battle has begun 

playing basketball with these losers ?? ughh I am so done with this level 

says the boy from shark team, come on this will be the only level we have to cross, and we can go back to our team 

the team was made, and the players were ready to even kill to win this level 

Alex !! how are we going to win this game so many players have left our team we are very few you must tell me how we are going to win said Hajoon 

I don't know how exactly but I want to all to believe me and play this level like you don't want to survive 

what ?? are you out of your mind ?? huh Alex 

what you mean Alex ?? 

I mean to say is that let them win all the 3 balls 

Hajoon looked at Alex because he figured out how Alex is mean to win this game 

Hajoon said you're right let's give them a bait let them think their winning "am sure Alex have a plan ", Hajoon smiled at Alex 

the team members were confuse but they don't have any hope even Yuno was confused and even Jin had no idea how exactly they were supposed to win 

the game started , 

the ball was in Yuno's hand he gave it to Jin and meanwhile in the pass Enzo took the ball and passed it to his team member and like this first goal was by shark team 

blue whale players were sweating heavily , they all were scared, all this time Alex was looking at lily like he don't care about anything else in this world 

hey !! hey Alex, will you help in the game or are you going to stare at lily ?? said Hajoon to Alex [ sorry I was distracted] 

Yuno said "this is bad"

Alex tell me how we will win ?? 

if you want to win let them, take the second ball also 

what ?? are you serious ?? did you hear him lily ? I think your partner have gone crazy said Neesa 

no one knows what will happen , they all quietly listen to Alex and Jin let the second ball go 

what is happening ?? why they are not fighting hard to win this game ?? why they all are letting their ball go so easily said Mino - shark team member 

shark team member were thinking they are winning but Alex will not let them win 

all VIP members said that shark team is going to win but the admin still have hopes for blue whale 

the game was only getting interesting minute after minute 

last 10 minutes were left and the 3 ball was already in Enzo's hand , while taking the ball to the basket Enzo looked at Alex , Alex showed anger to him making him think that he don't want Enzo to win the last goal , which made Enzo feel Victorious, only after Enzo goal the 3 balls 

all members of blue whale were shaken up , Alex took the ball from the ground and went running to the basket and he goal one more ball in shark team 

everyone was wondering what happened , all players and VIP members were confused what the hell did Alex just did 

the player said shark team have 4 goals 

Alex shouted to his blue whale team - RUN 

blue whale team knows they have won because only 3 goals were allowed and now that they have broken the rule even though it was not their doing , this is how you break the rules and can even betray your enemy to win 

Alex and everyone went running to the next door and Enzo sat on the ground with his friend the basketball balls started blasting Enzo hugged his friend and said I knew you were . his friend started crying saying i didn't had a choice Enzo -

you should have just come home my friend - Ivan 

Enzo cried in Ivan's arm all the members started to run towards to next door but the door closed and the last ball blasted killing every shark member 

blue whale teams were sobbing and also were relaxed to win this level , they all hugged each other even after so much killing the teamwork and the value of life they felt in that moment was all they even wanted 

the blue whale members felt bad to leave Enzo , the fact no one deserves to die was simple . but it was hard to keep yourself alive when you don't want to live anymore 

just after this game everyone knew who they have to trust , everyone said to Alex that we don't want money , just help us to make out alive from this game 

but there were players who still want all that money and they want Alex to be gone Alex have managed to destroy the common enemy in each level he has proved that only he can be alive and that Alex have the power to win this game .