Blue Whale : trust me

so many died 

so less survived 

the blue whale members half team and the shark team 

all died 

the situation was that after coming so far, the players only want more the ego created in their mind was very strong 

the power they will feel after winning the game and surviving it alone felt so real 

this made the game more complicated and challenging and no one wants to give up anymore 

this is either winning or dying 

the emotion in their mind after handling all this traumatic event , made them heartless ,players are so ready to win the game at any cost 

the game saw their emotion has fun and of more like entertainment 

Sehra the guard came to meet Jin in the washroom and she told him to be more careful from now on 

because now they are facing the real problem , Jin asked what is next ?? 

and she told Jin about how blue whale player and shark player will be mixed together as one team and have to play together as one 

like the beginning of blue whale game , and that this time levels can be very easy or very hard 

Jin told her don't worry I promised you that I will be alive no matter what and they both hugged each other as if this was their last time 

the game was stop and players were given some time to rest 

there were only 10 players in shark team who were alive 

the speaker told that from now on you will be playing together , 

the faces of the shark team , the anger they felt after seeing that their team members can't make out alive as if the shark team will completely destroy blue whale team 

Alex said if you want to survive, we have to play really nicely i don't know what will happen now but from now on you all are on your own 

what you mean ?? Alex 

I mean to say is be more careful from now on . 

lily said to Alex 

I am scared and also happy at the same time , I survived all this time because of you Alex , but I am scared that I will lose you now , the game keeps testing us , the levels don't end, and people are just dying 

Alex looked in her eyes and he kissed her head saying don't worry lily , just trust me and you will be fine