
A week later, I went searching for other Lloyd. He's seemed down for the last few days. I found him in the training room staring at his phone. "Hey, Lloyd," I said smiling.

He glanced at me. "Hey, Y/n."

"Whatcha doing?" I asked sitting beside him.

"Talking to Crystal."

Crystal? Oh! He means the me in his world. "Do you always call her Crytal or do you get to call her by her real name?"

"She lets me use her real name. It's just I used Crystal just now so I didn't confuse you."

"Oh. You could have said you were talking to the other me."

"I suppose I could have."

"You miss her," I said softly.

He nodded. "I love her."

"Then why don't you invite her here?"

He blinked. "Could I?"

I nodded. "Does she have the same powers I do?"

"Uh...sort of. She has Nature as her power but she can heal people too."

"Hmm. So we only have one power in common." Then I frowned. "Wait. She only has two powers?"


"Okay. Well, see if she would like to come here. If she does, we'll get Nightmare to make a portal for her, okay?"

He hugged me. "Thank you!"

I patted his back. "You're welcome." I stood up and stretched. "Ugh, I hate being pregnant."

He laughed. "No, you don't. You love it."

I made a face. "Only because Lloyd still thinks he's a terrible father even though our sons love him."

Other Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "So you're going to keep giving him kids until he sees he's a good parent? That's a terrible plan."

I smiled. "Don't worry. I'll stop having kids have we have our sixth one."

He stared. "Sixth?"

"What? You think that's too much?"

"Let me just say I feel sorry for your husband," he replied.

"Well, he needs to learn that he's an amazing parent," I pointed out.

"That doesn't mean you should have six kids!"

"Why am I discussing this with you?" I asked.

"I have no idea," he admitted.

"I'm going to go find the girls to talk with now."

"Fine by me."

I left only to bump into my husband who was leaning against the wall outside the training room door. "Uh...How much of that did you hear?" I asked nervously. 

He raised an eyebrow. "Six kids?"

I blushed. "Well...I...Uh...It's for your own good," I said finally. Why couldn't I come up with something more clever?

He sighed. "Y/n, we don't have to have that many kids." He paused. "Besides, why would you want to have that many? You hate being pregnant."

"It will be worth it to prove to you how wrong you are," I replied. Honestly, not looking forward to dealing with pregnancy three more times but he doesn't have to know that. Wait, four if you count the one I'm pregnant with now.

He shut his eyes. "You're going to get pregnant three more times just to prove me wrong?"

"Jon and Ken love you," I told him. "But for some odd reason, you still don't believe you're a good parent. I have to prove you wrong."

"And if I still feel that same way after you've had all six?" Lloyd asked.

"Uh...I haven't thought that far ahead to be honest," I said frowning.

He laughed softly. "Oh? I thought you always plan for everything?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Not all the time." Then I paused. "Lloyd, Adder hasn't made any move against us in a while."

"That's because he's dead," Lloyd replied.

"What?" I said.

Lloyd froze. "Uh...nothing?"

"Lloyd," I said in a warning tone.

He glanced around then grabbed my wrist and pulled me to our room. He shut the door and looked at me. "He's dead," Lloyd told me quietly.


"Nightmare got mad and ate him."

He what? "And you didn't tell me this, why?" I growled.

"I only found out this morning," Lloyd answered.

"You should have told me instantly."

He studied me for a minute. "You're mad."

I glared. "No kidding, Sherlock."

"Why? I thought you didn't like him."

"I don't!"

"Then why are you so mad?"

"If you have to ask that," I said in a dangerously low voice. "Then you need to figure it out then come talk to me." I turned on my heel and left.