Chapter - 2


Chapter - 2: Annihilation Maker


The Supreme King and her guardian found solace in each other's presence, knowing it would always reassure them. However, they were aware that these precious moments couldn't last forever, and with regret, they parted ways to focus on planning their futures, aiming for a comfortable life in this world of which they still knew very little.

"So, Judai, what are your plans for the future?" asked Yubel with genuine curiosity, after a moment of silence as Koneko seemed to shrug and look away from him before heading towards her desk.

Judai remained silent for a few moments before expressing his thoughts clearly. 'Before today, I hadn't thought much about Koneko Toujou, apart from the fact that she was as cute as a kitten. But now, considering she might not be the only one capable of sensing my power to some extent, it could become a long-term issue. So, my priority is to address this situation.'

"It's a good idea," nodded Yubel. "But how do you plan to tackle this issue? She noticed that your magical power has practically doubled since yesterday, and she can't perceive magic beyond yours. So, she doesn't know how to react to this revelation."

'Since our options are rather limited, I've considered giving the power of my Sacred Gear a chance,' Judai said after a short hesitation, aware of the delicacy of the subject for both of them.

"Are you really sure? To be honest, we know little about the Sacred Gear, aside from the fruitless discussion you had with that perverted crow. But from the scattered information we have, they seem to be extremely dangerous, and most importantly, they could make you a highly desired target."

Judai showed an unusually serious demeanor, locking eyes with Yubel with a determined look. 'I have changed from the past, Yubel. If increasing my abilities can protect those I care about, I will no longer fear being overwhelmed by the darkness. I want every bit of power possible to achieve that goal.'

"If you believe this is the right choice for you, then I will stand by your side, as I always have, until the end of days. It's just you and me against the whole world," Yubel declared, and her guardian's sincerity brought a smile to the Supreme King's face.

'Honestly, I thought you would reject my proposal..." Judai said with a tone that conveyed confusion at not being reprimanded by her guardian. "You didn't seem to like the idea of me using a Sacred Gear.'

Yubel smiled faintly as she clarified the matter. "Your Sacred Gear doesn't contain the soul of a powerful being. Besides, you don't need another dragon, since I'm here for you. As for the power you've naturally awakened... I don't see any reason why you shouldn't use it. My only fear is how you might be affected by the power of the Gentle Darkness."

To be honest, he hadn't used his Sacred Gear until the previous night's training. He was lucky to have awakened his Sacred Gear just then. Although he knew that he possessed one, he only knew how extremely dangerous it could be if not used properly.

From what he had discovered, his Sacred Gear was called the Annihilation Maker, or the Creation of the Demonic Beast, and it gave him the ability to create and bring to life any creature his imagination could conceive and bring it into reality.

How did he learn all this? Well, he had to thank Yubel, who resided within his soul and could directly observe the active Sacred Gear, understanding exactly how it worked and how to use it to help him in such situations.

Judai sighed, relaxing his shoulders from a tension he had not even noticed until that moment. "I have to figure out what to do if one of them comes after me for my power," he muttered to himself. It was such a heavy burden, even though he was in another world.

From what he had gathered, the non-human entities included Shitori, the student council president, whose stubborn and tenacious character was visible from miles away. Then there was Gremory, a member of the duo known as the two great "Onee-sama" of the school. And all this without even considering the people in the school who seemed to be endowed with some kind of dormant power in their souls.

"Ugh, this." Judai ran a hand through his long, dark brown hair, his brown eyes narrowing in frustration. He was getting anxious because this was not an easy situation to handle.

The hours of the school day didn't fly by, they just dragged on. From time to time, Judai felt eyes on him and occasionally, he caught Koneko watching him.

As cute as she was, while he would have liked her attention on him before, it only made it worse now. He felt like walking on golden eggshells the whole damn day.

Finally, the final bell rang and Judai left the classroom. Some of his classmates, all girls, tried to stop him for a chat, but he just greeted them as politely as he could before leaving the classroom and heading for the school's exit.

The only reason he had chosen to attend this school was a scholarship he had earned through his exceptional soccer skills. With physical abilities that far exceeded those of the average human, he had made his way, transforming from a listless individual with poor academic skills to one with a future full of potential.

He emerged because of his talent and the promise of a professional career. He had awakened his power as a human/duel monster hybrid very early in this new life, and used it constantly to improve his current situation and ensure a better life for his new family.

This was all thanks to his ancient powers, which he had struggled to accept in the past, but which had now given his existence a new meaning, no longer burdened by the need to fight for a balance between darkness and light.

For better or for worse, he still wasn't sure, no boy approached him because they generally hated him for being a "Handsome guy". In reality, they were jealous of his height and muscular build, the result of his fusion with Yubel.

In any case, he wasn't sure if he should be offended by such a situation, considering that they were practically complimenting him. He could have smiled at them, since they weren't trying to improve themselves and were simply projecting their insecurities onto him instead of trying to build up some self-confidence like his old friend Sho Marufuji had done in the past.

Anyway, he was lucky it was Friday, so he wouldn't have to deal with this crap again until Monday, assuming they didn't know where he lived and hadn't come to recruit him.

"Oh, looks like my brother's in trouble again." Judai resisted the urge to laugh as he left the main school building and saw, among other things, a trio of perverts loitering near the gate.

"I'm telling you, she's real!" Hyoudou stamped his foot and shook his fist angrily at his perverted friends. "Come with me if you don't believe me, Yuuma-chan will meet me right after school!"

"I still don't believe you, Issei!" the bald one huffed, while the bespectacled one nodded vigorously in agreement.

Judai almost stumbled over what he heard. He managed to straighten up before the situation became comical, but even so, he resisted the temptation to approach these two perverts (in addition to his brother) who were obsessed with girls' breasts and punch them to vent his annoyance. He knew that drawing attention to himself would only make things worse, given his reputation among the male population of the entire school.

Not that he knew them... They were his brother's friends, but they practically hated him because he was popular with all the girls in the school, which honestly didn't interest him very much. He preferred girls like Asuka, mature and with clear goals in life.


"Ah, Judai! You're just in time. You have to tell those two idiots that Yuma is real and that she asked me out because she fell in love with me at first sight!"

"Remember, this girl is definitely not human, and she has no good intentions towards your brother. She's probably after the Dragon power in him for some purpose we don't know yet," Yubel reminded him.

I know. I've asked Winged Kuriboh to keep an eye on my brother, and I've already told him to notify me immediately in case of an emergency, so I can intervene and save him if things get too dangerous for him.

"Yumma? A charming young woman with purple eyes and a slender, well-endowed figure. Her long, silky black hair cascaded down to her hips as she wore the school uniform: a dark red jacket, a white blouse, a red bow, and a green skirt with a thin white stripe down the bottom that clearly showed her black panties?"

"Yes!" Practically the entire trio of perverts drooled, drawn in by the seemingly accurate description he gave them.

"Well, no," Judai said with obvious amusement in his voice, leaving the trio completely stunned. "Nii-san, don't be late getting home, and be careful on your date..." These last words were spoken in a completely different tone, almost like an order from him.

Judai didn't wait for an answer as he made his way to his destination. "And now the destiny is in my hands... A sacred artifact whose key to power is... imagination," Judai smiled as he continued his journey.

"And my imagination is truly... wild." His smile widened as he left the school behind. "First things first... activation," Judai said, focusing his attention on the sacred equipment that resided deep within his soul.

And he couldn't help but remember his old past, when he was just a little kid and had first drawn his Neo-Spacian cards to win the KaibaCorp contest, one of the happiest moments of his life.

And now it was time to make new friends!


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter!

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.
