Chapter - 3


Chapter - 3: New friends?


After Yubel had instructed him on his Sacred Gear and given him all the necessary information to use it effectively, even though it was his first experience with a Sacred Gear, there were a few moments when Judai felt a sudden and intense sensation within himself.

It was as if a new energy had awakened in his being, pulsating with an unknown yet familiar power. With astonishment, he realized that this sensation was his Sacred Gear, now manifesting within him in all its majesty.

At that moment, an array of knowledge and abilities unfolded before him as if they had always been there, just waiting to be discovered. With every beat of his heart, Judai felt his understanding of harnessing the power of the Sacred Gear grow.

With a sense of awe and responsibility, Judai realized that he could now create creatures with his Sacred Gear, a power he had never imagined. However, he also knew that this power was not to be wielded lightly; it required endurance and energy, and Judai had to be diligent in maintaining a balance between his desire to harness this gift and his ability to do so responsibly.

"Well... Let's put a cover on my new power, since it's causing quite a bit of trouble," Judai said as he tapped into the power of his Sacred Gear, the Annihilation Maker. With a focused mind, he began to visualize the creature he wished to summon.

Carefully, with a burning desire in his heart, he began to forge a creature from the darkness. "Let it take the form of a small bat, its color blending seamlessly with its surroundings," he said firmly as the Annihilation responded to his command.

But he didn't stop there; he wanted his creature to blend into the darkness, perfectly camouflaged. And slowly the image of the creature came to life in Judai's mind, ready to be called into action.

In a moment of deep concentration, its mind brimming with energy, the Annihilator responded to his wishes, ready to be used cunningly in future battles.

"Ability 1: Stealth," Judai explained, giving the creature the ability to move through the shadows unnoticed and hide from prying eyes.

"Ability 2: Interfere with the signals of my Sacred Artifact and emit normal feedback," he added, ensuring that the energy of his Sacred Artifact would be obscured and its signature masked when in the vicinity of other creatures connected to the supernatural world.

"Now I need a name for this new friend of mine," Judai said, bringing a hand to his chin with a solemn air, almost as if he were a king ready to decree to his subjects.

"How about Neo-Spacian: Shadow Bat?" Yubel suggested with a pleased smile, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm.

Judai thought for a moment, then nodded in satisfaction. "I like it," he said as he finished the final preparations for the creation of a brand new Duel Monster. "From now on, your name shall be Neo-Spacian: Shadow Bat."

Of course, this new powerful Duel Monster would need a special power to match it. Judai already had an idea in mind, inspired by his Duel Spirit, the Neo-Spacian Dark Panther he used in his deck in his previous world.

"Ability 3: When this creature is Special Summoned, you can choose 1 monster your opponent controls and declare an effect it has. Until the end of this turn, Neo-Spacian: Shadow Bat gets this effect. If that monster has an activatable effect, you can activate it during your opponent's turn as if you were the original owner of that monster.

With a final concentration, a dark light appeared over his shoulders as the manifestation of his creation took shape, ready to be a new companion in adventure.

After a few seconds, a small bat appeared on his shoulders, completely blending into Judai's uniform. It was cloaked in shades of black and gray, its presence softly dissolving into the surrounding air.

What made him truly irresistible was her graceful presence: two white eyes that exuded a unique charm and an air of adorable innocence. With her charming and delicate appearance, she captured the hearts of all who were lucky enough to cross her path.

Judai felt his breathing get a little labored and his body a little tired, but he smiled as he looked at the bat perched over his shoulder.

[Picture ---> Neo-Spacian: Shadow Bat]

After glancing left and right, Judai focused his gaze on his new friend, who tilted her head in an incredibly adorable way.


Judai embraced Shadow Bat affectionately, getting lost in the act of stroking her soft head for a while. The look of pleasure on Shadow Bat's face filled Judai with joy before he gently let her go.

Shadow Bat rose into the air, hovering above Judai's head with an almost ethereal ease until she condensed into a more compact and delicate form. Then, gracefully, she rested on her new master's head like an emblem of loyalty and affection.

"With my new friend by my side, I don't have to worry about any creatures in this world until I understand the dynamics of this new world better and can continue my life as a normal student," Judai smiled before continuing on his way.

"It is time to go to my appointment," he thought, hoping that the meeting would finally help him to clarify his thoughts about the danger of supernatural beings in this place.

He wanted to assess whether it was worthwhile to establish relationships with non-human members and find out if they could offer any useful perspectives or if they were simply monsters with no interest in human life.

Arriving at the appointed place, Judai scanned the area, searching for the person he was supposed to meet. After a moment, his gaze settled on a woman of small stature, standing near a low wall and moving with graceful poise.

Despite the obviously lustful glances of several men nearby, she remained unperturbed, displaying a noticeable indifference to their attention. Clearly accustomed to such behavior, she showed no sign of annoyance.

A petite woman with golden hair and eyes as blue as the sky, she wore a robe decorated with many ruffles, save for a jewel that hung from her neck. It was a beautiful sight for Judai, but this time he could fully appreciate her elaborate attire without being disturbed by other passersby.

Judai waved his hand to attract the woman's attention as he approached. When she noticed him, she simply raised her hand, a sweet smile lighting up her face.

Noticing the girl's expression, the men grimaced in disgust, as if they had tasted rotten food. Then they began to move away, apparently disturbed by the thought that another beauty might fall into the arms of someone other than their own.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, Mittelt," Judai said, running a hand through his hair as he expressed his regret. "As soon as I left school, I came here for our appointment."

[Picture -----> Mittelt/Fallen Angel]

"I actually got here first. I couldn't wait to spend some time with you," she replied, a slight blush coloring her cheeks, adding an adorable touch of shyness to her face as her eyes shone with loving warmth.

"You are so kind, Mittelt," Judai continued in a warm and grateful tone, appreciating the girl's understanding and patience. "I was looking forward to seeing you, too, especially since you were the one who offered to go out with me."

Mittelt lowered her eyes slightly, hiding a shy smile behind her hands. "Don't say it like that, Judai, you're embarrassing me," she said softly, her tone revealing a mixture of gratitude and tenderness. "But I couldn't help but feel attracted to you from the moment I met you, as if I was irresistibly drawn to you and couldn't escape your grasp."

Judai smiled tenderly, appreciating Mittelt's company beside him. "It's nice to have you here with me," he admitted gratefully, feeling fortunate for her presence. "So, what do you say we do something fun together?" he suggested with infectious enthusiasm, eager to spend some quality time with her.

Mittelt nodded with a bright smile. "That sounds like a great idea," she replied enthusiastically. "What do you have in mind?"

Judai thought for a moment, then said, "How about a walk in the park? We can enjoy the nice weather and talk a little."

Mittelt agreed with a smile. "I like the idea," she said. "Sounds perfect for a day like this." Agreeing, they walked to the park, their conversation flowing easily and pleasantly, promising to make this an afternoon to remember.


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter!

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.
